Eden’s Guardian: A Blasphemous Metroidvania Game by Voragine Game Studio

2023-10-19 16:21:05

Apparently blasphemy has a lot to do with this idea. Article: Alberto Garrido – Gamereactor.cn It’s great to have a Spanish studio’s work that in turn inspires other studios to develop video games. In this era, few developers have more international influence than Seville’s The Game Kitchen. Their Blasphemous range has been a huge success both at home and abroad. With this in mind, Voragine Game Studio wants to sow its seeds in the Metroidvania genre by announcing its next game: Eden’s Guardian. “Basically, it’s a classic Metroid. It’s inspired by the art style of the game, which is kind of blasphemous because if you want to make a pixel art game, I think they’re the best and they’re from Spain”, director Designer Jesús Martínez and programmer Agus Sánchez told us in an interview at the last IndieDevDay Barcelona, ​​which you can see below. But Eden’s Guardian has a lot of personality, allowing it to (respectfully) distance itself from Cvstodia and its penitents, creating a hand-crafted pixel art dark fantasy world where the conflict between gods and humans has destroyed everything. In these ruins, our character the Guardian, a female creature born of a god and a human, finally breaks free after being imprisoned for centuries. But when she wakes up, she finds that the beautiful world she once knew has collapsed under a mysterious curse. In search of answers to what happened in her absence, she embarks on a violent journey. Of course, there are also its novel mechanics that set it apart from other games in the genre: you can throw your sword or push it to a surface and teleport to it, allowing you to surprise enemies, as well as reach inaccessible areas. place and coverage distance. “We also looked at Hollow Knight. We had a nice mechanic, a unique mechanic where you could throw the sword and teleport to it. It was like Noctis’ mechanic in Final Fantasy XV, so we put It’s applied to Metroid, and yes, it’s only a small part of the game. Although at the end of the interview, they revealed that they were preparing a Kickstarter campaign to get funding, the creators have told us that development is planned to take about 18 months , so the most likely date to see the game will be 2025. But while we wait, here’s the first trailer for Eden’s Guardian, which you can watch below. Source: Gamereactor.cn
#Voragine #Game #Studio #launches #pixel #art #Metroidvania #called #Edens #Guardian #Sina #Hong #Kong

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