Education: Sunday, May 8, the start of the end-of-year exams for the fourth grade of primary school

On Sunday, May 8, the end-of-year exams for fourth-grade students will start, as nearly 2 million and 600,000 students take the end-of-year exams, while the ministry announced the end-of-semester exams schedule for fourth-grade students, as the exams begin on Sunday, May 8, 2022 and continue until Thursday. May 12 next.

On Sunday, May 8, 2022, the ministry said, students will take the exam in Arabic language and religious education, Monday, May 9 in science and professional skills, and Tuesday, May 10 in social studies and ICT, Wednesday, May 11 in English, and Thursday, May 12 in mathematics.

Dr. Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education, had issued a periodic book on Semester exams rules The second for the academic year 2021/2022, in the interest of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education to organize the examination work of students of transport classes at all educational levels and students of the completion certificate for the basic education stage by unifying procedures to maintain the general policy of the system.

With regard to the dates of the exams for the transport classes and the third preparatory grade, the periodic book stipulates that all educational directorates abide by the dates set out in the time plan for the academic year 2022/2021 approved by the Supreme Council for Pre-University Education, and not to hold exams at the end of the second semester in basic subjects during the blessed month of Ramadan. All examination schedules that were prepared before the dates specified in the time map will be cancelled.

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