Effective Exercises to Strengthen Your Biceps: A Guide to Maximizing Results and Avoiding Common Mistakes

2023-12-27 17:36:44

One of the body parts that people who want to improve their physical appearance focus on are the biceps, a group of three muscles found on the back of the arm.

These two muscles are made up of two heads, the long head and the short head. The long head originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, while the short head originates from the coracoid process of the scapula. Both heads insert into the radius, near its proximal end.

The biceps have two main functions: flexing the elbow, an essential movement for performing everyday tasks such as lifting objects, washing your hair or getting dressed. They also supinate the forearm, that is, they turn the palm of the hand upward, a movement necessary to perform tasks such as opening a door or writing.

However, there are practices that are done by tradition or without having knowledge of what it does or does not do in the body, that is why we tell you which exercises are not useful for strengthening the biceps.

3 exercises that don’t work if you want to strengthen your biceps

The biceps are worked to improve strength, performance, improve aesthetics and prevent injuries. Athlean X expert trainer Jeff Cavaliere shared on his YouTube channel that there are three movements in particular that do not work to achieve these results.

The movements that do not work, according to the coach are:

Cavaliere says this exercise tops the list in the worst category. Because? “Well, the concentration curl is a non-athletic version of the curl where you are completely seated and off your feet,” apparently sitting requires less effort and you don’t burn as much as you might with other versions of the exercise.

The Inverted Curl is “a great curling movement, but not a great biceps exercise. It all comes down to simple anatomy and biomechanics; The reverse curl does not target the biceps, but the brachioradialis.”

See also:

This exercise, as the expert explains, “does not hit your biceps. Absolutely. You might as well skip this one entirely if you want bigger arms.”

What should be done to strengthen the biceps?

Leading the way are standing and alternating DB Curls. Cavaliere states that these “rank number one on this list due to their effectiveness and versatility. You can offset the dumbbell to achieve maximum supination load, add external rotation to benefit the shoulders at the same time, and even add bands to accommodate overlapping strength curves.”

Additionally, he recommends Barbell Curls, Chinups, Incline DB Curls, Waiter Curls, and Lip Buster Curls.

It is important to perform these exercises properly to avoid injuries. You should warm up before starting training and use the correct technique. It’s also important to listen to your body and rest when necessary.

Additional recommendations to strengthen the biceps

  • Gradually increase resistance: As you get stronger, gradually increase the amount of weight you lift.
  • Vary the exercises: don’t limit yourself to always doing the same exercises. Varying the exercises will help work all the biceps muscles.

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