Effective Home Remedies to Repel Flies and Keep Your Home Hygienic during Coronavirus

2023-06-22 17:40:50

There are times of the year when the presence of flies is more common than in others, especially in summer after the spring months when it usually rains abundantly. However, this year there is one more peculiarity, and it is the coronavirus. The decrease in activity both in parks and on the streets has made mosquitoes, flies and other types of insects more proliferate.

Flies contaminate the food on which they land with their saliva, in addition to usually defecating in the same place where they land. With their legs, they also perch on all kinds of surfaces, they carry all kinds of germs from one place to another, bacteriaviruses and diseases. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of this type of insect, especially at this time when hygiene is so important.

Therefore, we are going to try to give you some home remedies to prevent annoying flies from entering the home:

Bags of water: It is one of the oldest remedies to scare away flies because, did you know that flies hate rainbows? This remedy consists of putting a transparent bag half filled with water and hanging from the ceiling. When the sun’s rays pass through the water, it acts as a prism and breaks the light into a rainbow, scaring away flies. This same phenomenon occurs with hanging CDs.

Lemon with cloves: Cut a lemon in half and pierce a few cooking cloves.

Apple vinager: flies love strong smells and vinegar is very effective in this regard. With this product we can make a good fly trap. To do this, we will take a plastic bottle cut in half to which we will add a little vinegar and then we will hang it so that the flies come to it. If you can’t stand the smell of vinegar, another option is sugar water.

Vodka: Try putting some Vodka in a container. Its strong smell will scare away flies.

aromatic plants: Some scents such as lavender, mint, citronella, basil, rosemary, lemon balm, or eucalyptus are very effective in killing flies and mosquitoes.

Luz: the flies flock to the light. For this reason, surely you have seen in many butcher shops or fishmongers those mauve lights that attract flies.

In addition to these remedies to repel flies, remember the importance of not leaving food out in the open and of cleaning all areas of the house well so that there are no remains of food. Likewise, try to generate air currents so that they enter and exit easily.

And if you still can’t get it, try putting mosquito nets, that way none will get in.

#prevent #flies #entering #house

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