Egypt news | Science and Technology / NASA proposes creating astronomical engineering structures for the settlement of Venus

Alex Half, a NASA expert, suggested making Venus habitable, creating flat platforms that fly into the upper atmosphere, where temperature and pressure correspond to Earth conditions, according to a report RT.

Washer opportunity arXivFrom the beginning, scientists suggested large-scale projects to reshape Venus, such as removing carbon dioxide from its atmosphere, to create conditions similar to Earth’s.

But Huff suggested creating astronomical structures supported by cells filled with nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. These cells are placed one on top of the other, where the internal pressure becomes equivalent to the external pressure. The structure of these cells will reach a height of several kilometers and withstand a load of several thousand tons.

According to him, such platforms can be created from materials found on Venus. It is also possible to create good conditions for aerating the atmosphere above the surface without having to move a huge mass of resources to maintain optimal conditions (except for a small amount of water).

According to the scientist, it will take at least 200 years to build the platform, which is much less than other reclamation options suggest.

Date: 04-01-2022

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