Elections 2023: check the provisional register for national elections

2023-05-05 10:41:43

The National Electoral Chamber (CNE) published this Friday the provisional register, in accordance with the schedule established on the way to the Paso on August 13 and the general elections on October 22.

The official statement

“The #PadrónProvisorio is available. It is important that you make your query to verify that your registration data appears correctly and make your claim, in case there are errors,” the CNE published on its social networks.

The consultation can be made at or on the line 0800-9997237.

According to the electoral schedule, next May 15 -90 days before the simultaneous and mandatory open primaries- is the date established as the deadline for the call to the PASO, something that President Alberto Fernández already specified with the publication of the decree 237/2023 in the Official Gazette on April 28.

The schedule continues on May 19, the day on which the deadline for making voter claims regarding their data and requesting the removal of deceased from the register ends.

Almost a month later, on June 14, the time to request the recognition of temporary alliances and confederations to participate in the elections ends and five days later -on June 19- the parties must inform the Justice regarding their regulations, days and hours of operation, its electoral boards, etc.

That is also the last day to claim the colors that the forces want to wear on their ballots and designate a financial manager for each group.

Elections 2023: schedule in Argentina

Saturday June 24 is a key day on the road to the elections: at midnight of that day the deadline for the presentation of lists of pre-candidates to the party electoral boards expires and the electoral campaign for the PASO formally begins.

Then, July 1 is the deadline to assign spaces in audiovisual media through a public lottery carried out by the National Electoral Directorate (DINE) and on the 9th of that month the campaign begins in those spaces.

On July 14, the polling station authorities are designated, the term for the federal courts to decide on the formal approval of the official ballots ends, the final registers are printed and published, and the dissemination of institutional messages of civic training and digital education on electoral issues and the responsible and critical use of electoral information available on the internet.

On July 19 -25 days before the PASO- begins the prohibition of public acts likely to promote the recruitment of suffrage.

Meanwhile, the 24th of that month is the last date to formalize the call for general elections and the 29th will announce the places and polling stations.

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On Friday, August 11, the campaign ends and the electoral ban begins at 8 in the morning, with a view to the PASO, scheduled for Sunday the 13th between 8:00 and 18:00 throughout the country.

On Tuesday, August 15, the possibility of making claims and protests regarding vices in the constitution and operation of the polling stations and regarding the election is closed, and at 6:00 p.m. that day the final vote count begins.

Facing the general elections, on August 23 the National Electoral Boards are constituted and on September 2 the electoral campaign for those elections begins, following the culmination of the term for the registration of candidates proclaimed in the PASO.

The time to assign spaces in audiovisual media ends on September 9 and the deadline to present the final report by group to the federal electoral court ends on September 12.

On the 17th the campaign in audiovisual media begins and on the 23rd the definitive registers are printed, while on September 27 the prohibition of public acts likely to promote the recruitment of suffrage begins.

Sunday, October 1, is the date set for the mandatory presidential debate, the polling places will be announced on October 7, and the second debate is scheduled the following day.

On October 12, the deadline for the justification of “no vote” in the PASO expires and from the 14th the dissemination of surveys is prohibited because the campaign ends on the 20th of that month and from 8 o’clock on that day, the electoral ban is in force.

Finally, the general elections will take place on Sunday, October 22, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The final scrutiny will begin on the 24th and, in the event of a second round, the candidate debate is scheduled for November 12 and the second round would take place on the 19th of that month.

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