Emmanuel Macron in the Tarn, security and purchasing power on the menu of the France 2 debate before the legislative elections: the political news of June 9

Wind turbines, nuclear, hunting… For or against?

Small format change in the middle of the debate: the ten representatives of the main political forces presenting candidates, during the June legislative elections, had to vote yes or no on different themes to make their positions known.

To the question “Should wind turbines be developed?” “, the four representatives of Nupes voted yes, just like Minister Olivier Véran, for the presidential majority. The representative of the UDI, those of Reconquest!, the Republicans and the National Rally (RN) voted no, when the representative of the Modem abstained.

Jordan Bardella, acting president of the RN castigated the development of this renewable energy, advancing: “It’s true that it’s very ecological to devastate the landscape. It is true that it is very ecological to put huge concrete blocks underground, to harm the fauna, to harm the flora and to ensure that all the people who live around wind sites [soient victimes] the damage it causes. » Mr. Véran, for his part, argued for the government’s desire to develop fifty offshore wind farms, when Mr. Peltier estimated, like his far-right rival earlier, that “It’s very expensive, it’s very ugly and it’s useless”.

“Should we build more EPR [réacteurs nucléaires] » ? Yes, answered a majority of the ten guests, with the exception of the representatives of LFI, the PS and EELV. Within the Nupes thus, the PCF contrasts with its pro-nuclear position. Ian Brossat, representative of the party, during the debate, argued: “We have the right, on 650 common measures that we present together, to have some nuances. »

On the question of the ban on hunting on weekends, when a majority of the guests voted against, from the majority to the extreme right, the Nupes is divided again, according to positions similar to those displayed during the presidential election. If LFI and EELV are for, the PCF votes against and the PS abstains. “The question is badly put. Does it have to be every weekend? Certainly not. It is up to the French to deliberate. with hunters, to see when to ban hunting punctually, argued the first socialist secretary, Olivier Faure.

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