End of the tolerance margin on speed with section radars: “It will reduce accidents in Wallonia”

On the motorways, the speed will be limited to 120km/h to which is added the technical correction. Will this change anything?

For lack of sufficient means to process the reports, the section radars apply a variable margin of tolerance according to the prosecution and the circumstances. This flexibility should, according to the Minister of Justice, disappear before the summer.

According to a pilot experiment carried out on several Walloon motorways, the removal of this margin of tolerance could result in five times more fines for speeding. “It’s really a strong signal”comments comments Françoise Guillaume, managing director of the Walloon agency for road safety (ASWR). “It’s consistency with the regulations: what’s the point of having speed cameras if they’re not set correctly? It’s also consistency with regard to setting a limitation and controlling it .”

According to the VIAS institute, the risk of fatal accidents could, through these measures, decrease by 30%. The ASWR agrees. “Yes, it will reduce accidents across Wallonia, for example, one in three accidents is due to excessive speed”adds Françoise Guillaume. “So the number will actually go down when the speed is significantly reduced by the fear of radar.”

Section speed cameras currently operate intermittently. They should be on continuously. To deal with these additional offences, the federal government is planning to reinforce both the police and the prosecution.

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