Energy Renovation Requirements for Housing in Wallonia: A Timeline to Achieve Climate Objectives by 2050

2023-10-21 16:07:30

The Walloon government approved on Friday at first reading a progressive schedule of requirements for the energy renovation of housing in Wallonia in order to include the Region in its climate objectives for 2050.

This reference calendar varies according to the status of the accommodation (residence of the owner, current rental, first rental, etc.) and according to the occupant of the building (already owner, new buyer).

Thus, from January 1, 2025, landlord owners who rent out their property for the first time will no longer be able to rent energy sieves (PEB G). And from July 1, 2026, new owners of a building with the PEB G, F or E label will have to achieve the PEB D label within five years of the change of ownership, according to the timetable adopted on Friday.

“Walloon housing is responsible for 16% of greenhouse gas emissions in Wallonia and 45% of them are real energy sieves, with a PEB G or F label. This of course requires resources and aid. This is why renovation bonuses and zero-interest loans with bonuses (Renopacks) exist and have been largely increased during this legislature,” argues the Walloon Minister of Energy, Philippe Henry (Ecolo), cited in a press release.

“These new energy performance requirements will therefore also have a huge impact on comfort, the wallets of both tenants and owners as well as the value of the property,” adds the minister.

According to the Walloon executive, the horizon set by the text aims for owners to undertake work to gradually achieve a PEB A label by 2050.

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Approved on Friday at first reading in government, the texts will now be submitted to the sector for consultation before 2nd reading in government. The latter will then set the practical terms of the schedule, with possible exceptions as well as the sanctions in the event of non-compliance. A 3rd and final reading should still follow before going before the Walloon parliament for adoption.

#energy #strainers #deadlines #Wallonia

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