Envelope elections. Bielan appeared before the investigative commission

Last name Bielana appeared, among others, in the testimony of the former deputy prime minister in the government PiS Jarosław Gowinaccording to whom he was the originator of organizing the postal elections in 2020 r. he was just there Bielany.

Who else will the investigative committee interview?

Bielany will be one of the last witnesses to be heard by the committee. According to her MP boss Dariusz Joński (KO) the committee will complete its work 24 houses. The former Marshal of the Senate is scheduled to appear before the committee on May 15 Tomasz Grodzkithen the former prime minister will testify Mateusz Morawieckiand the PiS president will be questioned at the last meeting Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

2020 presidential elections

Presidential electionsin accordance with the ordinance Speaker of the Sejm from February 2020were to take place 10 maja 2020 r. in the form of postal voting due to the epidemic COVID-19. However, on May 7th National Electoral Commission informed that because the applicable legal regulation deprived the National Electoral Commission of the instruments necessary to perform its duties, voting 10 maja 2020 r. cannot take place. Ultimately, the elections took place on June 28 (1st round), and voting took place at polling stations.

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