EU Commission Declares Huawei and ZTE a Security Risk: Avoid Their Equipment to Safeguard Common Interests

2023-06-15 16:58:00

The EU Commission has classified the Chinese telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE as a risk to the security of the EU. Both companies “indeed pose significantly higher risks” than other providers of 5G network services, the authority said in Brussels on Thursday. According to its own statements, it will therefore no longer use the services of the two companies in the future.

EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton also called on the 27 EU states and telecommunications companies to refrain from using equipment from the two manufacturers in their own networks. “We cannot afford to maintain dependencies that can be used as weapons against our common interests,” Breton told reporters. This would “pose too great a risk to our common security,” he added. (afp/apa)

#Telecommunications #Huawei #ZTE #security #risk

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