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The community shared its experience in producing content for the military and veterans

Anastasia Gudymahead of the department for issues of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities, member of the editorial board of Public Broadcasting, presented the experience of Public Broadcasting in the production of content for military and veterans at the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting.

The round table was held on April 24 as part of the program “Competent media — a tolerant, democratic society” organized by the National Council. Representatives of veteran organizations, public associations, state bodies, psychologists, and the media joined the conversation about inclusive communication with veterans, consideration of their needs for returning to civilian life, and understanding and attention of a society that strives to be inclusive and fair. About 70 representatives of the media, including many local and regional, and public organizations joined the meeting online.

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The meeting discussed how the media can effectively communicate with military personnel and veterans to increase their visibility in society and create equal and respectful treatment of them.

There is no Olga Gerasim, the head of the media regulator, emphasized that society’s attitude towards veterans largely depends on their representation in the media. Olga also pointed to the presence of Russian influences aimed at undermining trust in the Armed Forces and destroying social unity: “This topic is greatly enhanced by disinformation attacks today. One of the directions of attacks is the discrediting of the veteran environment, our Armed Forces, mobilization processes”.

In turn Anastasia Gudyma noted that Public Broadcasting systematically works with the topic of military and veterans at all levels.

“It is important to emphasize that all Sospilny teams work with the theme of the military and the veteran community — this is the production of creative projects and working with the team, because more than 100 Sospilny employees are in the ranks of the Armed Forces”– she noted Anastasia Gudyma.

Head of the control, analysis and strategic development department of the media regulator Maryna Tkachuk presented the results of the joint work of the National Council with representatives of civil society and human rights organizations. They identified the biggest media risks and challenges for veterans returning to civilian life. Recommendations for the media included guidelines on diversity and inclusion; avoiding stereotypes and masking words; use of neutral terminology and provision of emotional balance in coverage of events.

It is worth noting that since 2018, Suspilne has been using recommendations for the production of programs on the subject of anti-terrorist operation (ATO) according to the following principles:

  • not to endanger the authors and heroes of the projects;
  • not to injure or shock the audience;
  • not to distort the image of military actions and people who perform their duties in war conditions.

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A principle «NEW NORMAL» helps create an adaptive and sustainable society that can function effectively in the face of constant change. This principle is reflected in the activities of the Society since 2022, marked by orientation to the new realities of modern life. This means that the Society in its work reflects and takes into account changes in society after a full-scale invasion.

It is worth noting that the Souspilny team worked with the military theme until 2022. In particular, projects implemented in support of the Defense Forces: “Chevrons of Victory”, “It’s hard, but worth it”, “Thanks to you”, “Offensive Guard”, “Defend your own”, “Be the Armed Forces” and others.

Thematic projects of the Society until 2022. Screenshot from the presentation

After February 2024, Suspilne creates programs, reports and documentaries that reveal the life of the military at the front and after returning to peaceful life. In addition, the Society actively cooperates with veteran organizations and state institutions to provide support for veterans in their return to civilian life. For example, a report “I didn’t sleep for 45 days.” One day in the department of psychological rehabilitation for the military” authorship Anastasia Ivantsiv and Oleksandr Magula is among the nominees of the European Press Prize 2024.

Social thematic projects after 2022. Screenshot from the presentation

Working with and for the veteran community. Practical experience of the Society, presentation.

In the presentation of the experience of Suspilny, Anastasia Gudyma emphasized an important and unique component of the team’s work, which pays attention to diversity and inclusion in projects related to the military. In particular, the attention of the viewer or listener is focused on the fact that it is important not to be limited by nationality, gender, sexual orientation or faith, especially when it comes to considering issues related to the military. The team actively supports an inclusive approach to the representation of various military groups in the media, emphasizing that everyone deserves attention and respect, regardless of their personal characteristics.

“In media projects, our military and veterans are the embodiment of diversity and are not separated from society. Regardless of nationality, religion, gender or sexual identity, etc., each of their stories is important and deserves attention. Projecting attention to these aspects, we strive to create a media space that reflects the diversity of our society and promotes understanding and respect for each unique individual.”– notes Anastasia.

This approach helps raise awareness and helps build a more tolerant and inclusive society where all people have equal opportunities.

In 2023, Suspilne Movlenya released the following inclusive projects: “War Made Me This Way”, “The Illusion of Equality”, “Visible”, “Chaplains. Faith at war”.

The Department for Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, which includes the Broadcasting Coordination Center of National Communities, has been creating programs in the languages ​​of national communities since 2019 to promote preservation, optimization of intercultural communication and interaction of multicultural communities, to introduce everyone to their cultures, create, develop and distribute content about national communities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine. These projects give voice to numerous stories that truly inspire and demonstrate that such national communities as Ukrainian Roma, Bulgarians, Germans, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks and others are an integral part of Ukrainian society. They create social initiatives, volunteer, serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces, give shelter to their fellow citizens or in any other way bring victory over the aggressor state closer.

We speak to the audience in different languages. Screenshot from the presentation

All projects in the languages ​​of national communities can be viewed on local TV channels of Public Broadcasting or listened to in the application Ukrainian Radio both live and recorded.

Since April 2024, the Department of Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities has been established at Suspilny. The goal of the department’s team is content support for equality and inclusion of Ukrainian society in the war and post-war periods, equal access to the media for everyone, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religious beliefs, etc.

Suspilne Movlennya is an independent media company with a powerful reach on all platforms: the First TV channels, Suspilne News, Suspilne Culture, Suspilne Sport and the national network of local channels; radio stations Ukrainian Radio, Radio Promin, Radio Culture, Radio Point. Read only verified news on the website suspilne.mediaon national and local digital platforms. We speak the languages ​​of the national communities, represent Ukraine at Eurovision, develop the children’s resource “Brobax”, teach the media community at the Academy of Public Broadcasting. We have Public Media Library — a platform of unique videos and audio of the Society from the 1950s to today. We protect freedoms in Ukraine.

The photo is taken from the site of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting

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