Every township resident should have a box of iodine tablets

The current situation in Ukraine raises many questions. For now, however, little preparation is needed.

The vast majority of Jura residents already have their box.

© www.jodtabletten.ch
The vast majority of Jura residents already have their box.

In the context of the war in Ukraine, the Jura section of the Protection of the population communicates a series of information. To begin with, she recalls that the National Alarm Center (CENAL) is following very closely theevolution of the situation and is in constant contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

This section nevertheless considers it essential that each Jura resident has a box of iodine tablets. In connection with the federal ordinance on the distribution of iodine tablets, each inhabitant of the canton (including children born until the end of 2013) received a box in 2014 which they must keep at home. For new residents or upon birth, the municipalities distribute a voucher per person to be exchanged in pharmacies and drugstores. The latter can only distribute one box per person. Those who have lost theirs can get another one (5 francs). Iodine tablets should only be taken on the express orders of the health authorities, which is not the case in the current situation.

Batteries, water and food

As for shelters, they are often used for other purposes (cellars, warehouses, local associations, etc.). If necessary, they must be able to be fitted out in a short time to protect the population. The preparation of the shelters (emptying, fitting out), however, only takes place on the orders of the authorities and the current situation does not require it.

In addition, people are recommended to buy batteries for portable radios and candles in case of power cuts. In addition, at all times, the country’s economic supply (AEP) advises having a stock of several liters of water per person and food for a week. A reserve of drugs must also be established. In the event of proven danger, the authorities will alert the population by means of sirens and will broadcast behavior instructions via radio, Teletext and the Alertswiss application, which it is recommended to install on your mobile phone.

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