“Everyone is talking about Wembanyama, but Bol Bol is a freak of nature”

It’s kind of the trend of the moment: “Who has the biggest? What is the best scale? Can he play foosball on his own? “. So many questions that no longer really have a direct relationship to basketball, and whose sole purpose is to know if this freak is more « freaked out » – and not friqué, nothing to see – that this freak. Do you get it?

Difficult to launch this paper, there is no real context. We could summarize the matter as a simple analogy : a child has a nougat caramel (it doesn’t exist) and sees a confectionery in front of which all his little friends are gathered. “But what are you guys looking at? “. Fabricio, a little redhead of the same age, grabs him by the arm and pulls him towards a window oiled by fingerprints. “Look, it’s the new 2000 nougat caramel!” It seems that its taste is a thousand times smoother than that of the old one ». Annoyed to see his candy considered “expired” by his classmates, the child puts a large steak in the back of Fabricio’s neck, then says to him: “However, everything that comes after is not necessarily better. Your 2000 nougat caramel is probably full of sugar, carbs, fat, and bull testicles. I much prefer the old one.”. Looking snobbish, the child turns around and then heads for his house, where he will remain locked up for three days to cry under his pillow. We may make others believe that we do not envy them, but this discourse is often held only in appearance.

“Everyone is talking about Victor, the Frenchman. I’m not trying to compare them, but Bol is 2.18m, he shoots 3-pointers, goes up the field, passes and blocks shots. I feel like people forget it, but Bol is a freak of nature. –Paolo Banchero, for Michael Scotto

No need to elaborate, Bol Bol is a monster of nature, Victor too, but one is already 23 years old when the other is freshly of age. If Banchero ever has someone available for a cassette party highlights from Bol Bol to 18 years, let us know.

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