Exercise is not enough to lose weight and lose fat! 4 kinds of supplements are powerful!Dietitian: Caffeine, Probiotics Improve Exercise Performance | Chinese Health Network – Professional real-time high-quality health news and information sharing platform Industry real-time high-quality health news and information sharing platform

In the post-epidemic era, with the opening of the country, everyone has gradually returned to normal life. Many people found that they had a lot of fat on their bodies and their weight soared. Only then did they realize that they must start a major weight loss battle. However, if you want to lose body fat, just going to the gym and exercising is not enough. A nutritionist said that moderate intake of supplements, especially caffeine to improve concentration and endurance, and probiotics to help improve sports performance, can make the Lose body fat with less effort.

In order to understand the feeling of using sports supplements, nutritionist Lin Shihang convened 30 groups of people who wanted to lose weight, and used a 6-week exercise course plus supplementary sports supplements (containing probiotics, caffeine, vitamin B group and vitamin D) to make The experiencers share the exercise feeling after use. Participants believed that after supplementing with probiotics for exercise and caffeine supplements, the overall score for exercise performance was close to 74 points, and those with a healthier BMI scored higher, reaching 81.7 points. And there are positive feedbacks for increasing exercise time, reducing exercise fatigue, and restoring physical strength the next day.

Sports supplements not only help metabolism, but also help improve exercise performance. They can double help in weight loss, helping exercisers exercise longer. Of course, the weight loss effect is relatively improved. After 6 weeks of experience, participants lost an average of 1.1 kg in weight, but lost an average of 3.1% in body fat. After group statistics, it was found that the participants who supplemented the more complete servings lost an average of 2.5-4.4% body fat and an average weight loss of 1-1.7 kg.

4 Sports Supplements


Caffeine is one of the most common sports supplements for athletes. Drinking a cup of Americano before exercise is very exciting! The main reason is that coffee can stimulate the sympathetic nerves and muscle responses, and it can also act on the brain to help improve concentration, so it is helpful for the explosion and endurance of sports, making sports more powerful.

Probiotics suitable for sportsmen are recommended to be one of the Lactobacillus plantarum strains. Past research has found that it can enhance the body's use of glucose, so it can stimulate metabolism and improve endurance performance.

Probiotics suitable for sportsmen are recommended to be one of the Lactobacillus plantarum strains. Past research has found that it can enhance the body’s use of glucose, so it can stimulate metabolism and improve endurance performance.

Probiotics for sports

In addition, probiotics suitable for sportsmen are recommended to belong to one of the Lactobacillus plantarum strains. Past research has found that it can enhance the body’s use of glucose, so it can stimulate metabolism and improve endurance performance. At the same time, it can reduce the feeling of fatigue after exercise, so it can make exercise longer, and help increase muscle and reduce fat.

Vitamin B complex

Most of the vitamin B group is involved in the process of energy metabolism. Past studies have found that if the exercise group has enough B group intake, it can maintain a better exercise state.

Vitamin D

In addition, the vitamin D intake of Taiwanese is also very poor, but vitamin D is indeed the key to maintaining exercise muscle function and immune response, especially after intense exercise, it is easy to have the problem of immune decline, and sufficient vitamin D can help. , let us maintain good physical condition.

Dietitian Lin Shihang reminded that exercise performance is related to exercise intensity, exercise supplements, and eating habits. Therefore, nutritionists recommend a three-pronged approach, not only to gradually increase exercise intensity, but also to adjust dietary content. Or adjusting the ratio of carbohydrates to protein, coupled with the help of sports supplements, can make sports performance more effective.

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