Experience the Stylish Battles and Epic Story of ‘Metria’ with Lucas Calquinos, Aru, and Lucas Nizam!

2023-10-17 12:09:26

Through this video, you can enjoy the skills and moves of the main characters “Lucas Calquinos”, “Aru” and “Lucas Nizam”! “Metria” is a role-playing game that combines hope and sin. “Metria” is a new original smartphone game developed by the Iruna Online team. It is a 3D action role-playing game with the theme of hope and sin. The main plot of the game is written by the screenwriter of Iruna Online. The game makes extensive use of cutscenes with 3D graphics throughout the story. Combined with the detailed movements of unique characters, players can become even more immersed in the story. As the story progresses, battles will take place from time to time, and these battles are real-time action battles involving 3 people. Just tap the icons to perform regular attacks, skills, and special moves, and you can switch characters mid-attack for coordination. You can enjoy stylish battles with simple operations! In addition to the epic story experience and stylish action battles, various interesting contents will also be launched, so stay tuned!
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