Experts advise Facebook users: 6 steps to protect you from hacking

Exposure to piracy or hacking has become commonplace among those who use social media platforms, the most common of which is “Facebook”, while experts recommend necessary steps to reduce the risk as much as possible.

When an individual is hacked and becomes unable to access his Facebook account, for example, this means the loss of his personal data such as conversations and photos, and this data may even fall into the hands of people who want to harm or embarrass him.

According to the Washington Post, a Facebook user can protect himself by taking 6 important steps:

1. Two-step verification

This is by making the entry to your Facebook account conditional on two steps, the first of which is entering the password with which you registered yourself, and the second is the “code” that is sent to you by phone when you wish to enter the social networking platform from an unusual device.

To activate this feature, go to the Settings section, then “Security and Registration”, and enable the two-step verification feature.

Experts warn against the use of “ChatGPT” technology for the purpose of hacking

2. A recent email

If you created your Facebook account through an old email whose password you no longer remember, this is not in your interest and may make you unable to recover the account, in the event of an emergency.

Therefore, what is required is to go to the settings section in order to update the e-mail, by adding an e-mail whose password you know and that you can access continuously.

3. A strong password

Make your Facebook password as strong as possible, by avoiding easy words that hackers could easily pick up.

Experts advise not to enter Facebook with the same passwords that you use to log into other accounts or services.

Learn the secrets of phishing

4. Vigilance and attention to fraud attempts

Be careful in dealing with messages that come from unknown people, and they may ask you to respond to them by sending passwords.

Do not click on any links that you do not know, and make sure to communicate carefully with those you do not know personally.

And make your password exclusive to you, so do not share it with anyone, but if Facebook sends you safety alerts, interact with them quickly.

5. Enable the registration notification feature

Go to the Settings section and the security aspect, so that Facebook will notify you as soon as you register on any new device.

6. Take a backup

The proverb says, “Don’t put your eggs in one basket,” and this requires that you be prepared for the possibility of losing your Facebook account one day, no matter how keen you are on security measures.

And to get a backup copy of your history on the site, go to the Settings section, then “Facebook Information”, and then turn the data or even photos into files that you may return to one day.

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