Experts reveal that after death, the human soul returns to the universe

Over the centuries, many experts and scientists have spent a lot of time studying the existence of the soul. Dr. Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Roger Penrose are two scientists who are notable for their claims of human soul Where will you go after you die?According to Mr. Hameroff and Penrose, human soul are contained within structures called microtubules of brain cells.The two scientists hypothesized that the human brain is like a computer connected to an information network with 100 billion neurons and interconnected microfibers.They suggest that human consciousness is the result of effects caused by quantum forces in the microtubules of brain cells.From here, Mr. Hameroff and Penrose speculate that maybe soul in humans is just an interaction between neurons in the brain.So the soul is a fundamental part of the universe and has existed since the beginning of time.Therefore, when people are close to death, the microtubules lose their quantum state, but the information inside them is not lost.This means that when a person dies, quantum information can stay forever in space in the form of souls. At that time, the soul will return to the universe.Before the comments of two scientists Hameroff and Penrose, many experts objected and became the subject of great controversy.These people argue that this view has no scientific evidence to support the fact that souls are real. Accordingly, up to now, whether the soul exists or not is still a big mystery that the scientific community “headaches” to find a solution.Invite readers to watch the video: NASA astronauts drop a mirror in space. Source: VTV TSTC.

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