Explanation of the biosphere lesson – Al-Sa’a newspaper

Explanation of the biosphere lesson, the Reed website explains the biosphere lesson, the three benefits of the biosphere, the factors affecting the biosphere, the biosphere pdf, the sixth grade biosphere report, and the conclusion of the biosphere research. The universe, and this article explains in detail the biosphere and its living and non-living components, here in more detail in the next line.

Explanation of the biosphere lesson

The biosphere, which is the area that allows living organisms to live on this planet, and the biosphere has many components, factors, and characteristics that are characterized by the extent and diversity of the different environments of each living organism, and below we provide more details to explain the biosphere lesson, follow us.

Explanation of the biosphere lesson

  • The biosphere, or what is known as the biosphere, is the space in which life exists and extends from the highest point in the atmosphere where there is life to the deepest point in the oceans where there is life. This is where all living things are located, including humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms, as well as non-living components.
  • The biosphere is a system in a state of constant circulation of matter and the accompanying solar energy; Which works to regenerate and multiply different molecules and cells. The biosphere is a large ecosystem that contains many living organisms, non-living components, and many ecosystems.
  • Various organisms live in the biosphere layer, and this crust is of great importance not only because it is the environment in which living organisms live and reproduce, but also because the major physical and chemical changes that occur in non-living nature occur in it. living matter on earth.
  • This biosphere in which we live and breathe its air and its various parts of land, water and air, is currently suffering from pollution, and its consequences permeate all countries of the world, and its dangers threaten people in different places.
  • A large amount of carbon dioxide is exchanged between the atmosphere and the atmosphere. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and give it oxygen in the cooking process. Living things absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration.
  • Components Living Components All living organisms that live in the biosphere are included in the classification of organisms. These organisms differ in size, shape, and the environment in which they live, but they share common aspects of life such as movement, nutrition, growth, respiration, and excretion. The most prominent of these components are humans, plants, animals of all kinds, and primary living organisms such as algae, bacteria, and fungi.
  • Non-living components include other non-living components such as dust, rocks, water, air, etc., all of which are devoid of the manifestations of life.

What are three benefits of the biosphere?

Every shell in nature is important in the life of different creatures, so we will explain to you the importance of the biosphere in the following ways

  • The biosphere is the source of all physical and chemical changes on Earth.
  • Provides plenty of oxygen to help complete the feeding process.
  • When the atmosphere is polluted, all parts of the earth will suffer, threatening the life of living beings.
  • Various organisms live and reproduce in all layers of the biosphere.
  • It helps plants absorb carbon dioxide as a gaseous exchange between the atmosphere and life, and it also helps organisms absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
  • The atmosphere contains the necessary gases that help people breathe normally.

The most important factors affecting the biosphere

The following factors affect the biosphere

  • The sun and its role in heating the earth’s surface and the atmosphere The sun is the main source of heat on the earth’s surface and in the surrounding atmosphere and does not lose its energy until it reaches a distance of about 150 km from the earth’s surface. After that, the atmosphere begins to affect the sun’s rays and loses about half of its energy before it reaches the earth’s surface. It undergoes absorption, reflection and diffusion in the atmosphere.
  • Internal factors and their effect on atmospheric heat, the eruption of large volcanoes leads to the release of a huge amount of materials in the upper layers of the troposphere and stratosphere, such as sulfur dioxide, dust and other materials, and these materials continue to circulate in the atmosphere for several years and obscure part of Sunlight, which changes the Earth’s temperature.
  • The role of the human factor and other living organisms in the atmosphere The role of the human factor is limited to human activities, which leads to a rise in air temperature all over the world, which is called global warming. This is a gradual increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the Earth’s atmosphere; As a result of increased emissions of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone, which are natural gases that help warm the surface of the earth so that people can live on it.

What is the biosphere report in grade 6

  • Various organisms live in the biosphere layer, and this crust is of great importance not only because it is the environment in which living organisms live and reproduce, but also because the major physical and chemical changes that occur in non-living nature occur in it. living matter on earth. This biosphere in which we live and breathe its air, various parts of the land, water and air are currently suffering from pollution.
  • The effects of pollution have pervaded all countries of the world, and its dangers threaten people all over the world. A large amount of carbon dioxide is exchanged between the atmosphere and the atmosphere. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and give it oxygen in the cooking process. Living things absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration.
  • The origin of the biosphere The origin of the biosphere When the biosphere began, it is difficult to determine, because there are no necessary records or tests stemming from the origin of the atmosphere, but what are the guesses and hypotheses that explain the origin of the earth’s atmosphere and with it the atmosphere.
  • The thickness of the biosphere is about 14 km and its components include all living organisms. parts of the Earth’s crust. lower layers of the atmosphere.
  • The biosphere or biosphere is a word from the Greek language that means the sphere in which life exists and deals with life on planet Earth. The term “biosphere” first appeared in the work of French biologist Jean Bastet Lamarck (1744-1829) and Austrian geologist Eduard Suess (1831-1914) in the nineteenth century.
  • But it was the work of the Russian geologist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945) that aroused interest in the study of the biosphere. We can define the biosphere as the sum of all biological environments in which living organisms find the necessary conditions for the development of their existence.

In conclusion of the article, the Earth’s biosphere is a part of the Earth in which living organisms live, and the biosphere has been recognized and has a different name for the biosphere and its components are known and biologists have divided it and that it is a dynamic system. Living without the other, and it was explained how humans negatively affected the environment after the industrial wealth, and we hope you liked it.

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