Exploring Alternatives to the Anti-Baby Pill: A Comprehensive Guide to Contraceptive Methods

2023-06-23 07:30:00

The percentage of young women who Anti-Baby Pill prevent, goes further and further back. This is shown by an evaluation of Technicians’ Health Insurance. So got 2020 a third, i.e. 33 percent, of female 14 to 19 year olds prescribed the contraceptive pill. Five years ago, that figure was 44 percent. Professor Dr. With Mandy Manglerchief physician of the clinic for gynecology in the Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, presents three alternatives and explains how you Pearl Index is. This is the assessment measure for the safety of contraceptives. The lower the Pearl Index, the safer the contraceptive method. In figures, this means that 100 women use the same contraceptive for a year and three pregnancies occur during this period. The Pearl Index is three.

1. The spiral

Sea Professor Dr. With Mandy Mangler the spiral is a great alternative. You no longer have to think about taking them. The side effects are very low thanks to the latest materials. According to the doctor, they are available hormone-free as copper, silver or gold spirals and with hormones that only act locally in the uterus. According to the Pearl Index, the safety of the contraceptive method of an IUS is 0.16. With a hormone-free IUD it is between 0.3 and 0.8.

2. The condom

According to expert Mangler, the condom is also a good alternative to the pill. In addition, it is practical and there are condoms for every taste. Colorful, with taste, with nubs, with funny faces, there are even some that glow at night and some that leave a slightly vibrating feeling. The Pearl Index for a condom is 2 to 12.

3. The hormone vaginal ring

Similar to the pill, the vaginal ring is a hormonal method of contraception with the advantage that it has a lower dose. The soft plastic ring is inserted into the vagina like a tampon. After 21 days, the vaginal ring is removed. This is followed by a seven-day break, during which menstruation usually occurs. The next vaginal ring can be inserted after seven days. The Pearl Index is between 0.4 and 0.65.

Symptoms after stopping the pill

Various symptoms can occur after stopping the pill. These include, for example, menstrual cycle disorders, acne, mood swings or hair loss. However, these symptoms should subside after a few months when the natural hormonal balance has settled again.

Natural birth control methods

Aside from the alternatives mentioned above, there are also natural contraceptive methods such as NFP (natural family planning), which uses body temperature or cervical mucus to determine the fertile days, for example. However, these methods are usually less safe than hormonal or barrier methods.

assumption of costs

Find out from your health insurance company which contraceptive methods are covered there. For example, many health insurance companies cover the costs for a spiral or vaginal ring, while condoms usually have to be paid for by yourself.

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