Exploring Health and Wellness in Reunion: Tackling Chronic Diseases and Promoting Health Democracy

2023-08-30 10:18:22

Let’s travel a little this summer with a tour of France of our island delegations, or those who have islands on their territory. We have already stopped in Corsica, Brittany, Guadeloupe and Martinique, and we are stopping this week in Reunion, to meet, in each region, the regional coordinators of France Assos Santé, and better understand medical issues, the supply of care and access to care as well as the vitality of health democracy in each of these territories.

So here we are this week in Reunion, where we took stock with Marie-Laure Veyrat, regional coordinator of the France Assos Santé delegation on site. If the medical offer is rather satisfactory, it is difficult to access for some inhabitants of remote areas of the island. One of the main health issues today is to fight against chronic diseases mainly due to bad eating habits and a certain sedentary lifestyle which cause many problems of overweight or obesity as well as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and renal diseases. Marie-Laure is delighted to note that thanks to the collaborative work between the member associations of France Assos Santé, the representatives of users and the ARS, health democracy is a priority.

Adding sugar to drinks, processed meals and not enough fruits and vegetables…

In Reunion, the France Assos Santé delegation is one of the 12 partners of the Reunion Program for Nutrition and the Fight against Diabetes (PRND) 2020-2023. There are, in fact, on the Indian Ocean island, twice as many people treated for diabetes than in mainland France with 10% of the population affected. The high consumption of sugary drinks and ultra-processed food products, while less than 10% of Reunionese eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, may explain the high prevalence of diabetes. Especially since more than 1/4 only of those over 15 practice sufficient regular physical activity. Actions for prevention, early detection and actions to prevent the polypathologies often associated with diabetes from developing, such as hypertension, cardiovascular and kidney problems, have been deployed, particularly in schools and with people at risk. ” It is important to develop prevention, especially among young people who are affected increasingly early by obesity problems. It is not uncommon to find in the bags of schoolchildren, soda, chips or gratons as a snack. “, laments the coordinator of Reunion. Indeed, obesity in Reunion, which affects more women (20%) than men (12%), occurs earlier in Reunion women aged 15 to 24 (9%) compared to Metropolitan France ( 5%). Let’s not forget that Reunion is a young population of which more than 1/3 is under 25 years old.

#Tour #France #island #health #Reunion

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