Exploring the Controversial Game Betting Culture of Mooncheol: Analysis and Impact

2024-05-11 09:34:42

Lawyer Moon-cheol Han raises his voice after discovering a new game betting culture called “Moon-cheol” during a YouTube live broadcast on the 4th. / Photo = YouTube Hanmuncheol TV
“Mooncheol ㄱㄱ?” »

The popular game “League of Legends” (LOL), which was adopted as an official event at the Hangzhou Asian Games, involves five people forming a team. For this reason, when a game doesn’t go as planned, a fierce battle of “you’re to blame” breaks out between team members. Usually we argue about “I did a good job” or “You did a bad job.” This is similar to how car owners who have been in a collision on the road argue about the percentage of fault.

Recently, the so-called “Mooncheol”, named after lawyer Mooncheol Han, has become popular among LoL users, sparking controversy. “Mooncheol” is a new culture of in-game betting that asks experts (talented people) to determine what is the biggest fault in a losing game and what is called “defeat contribution”.

A user who suggested “Mooncheol” to a teammate when he was unhappy with the game. /Photo = TikTok

A user who suggested “Mooncheol” to a teammate after not liking the piece. / Photo = TikTok “Mooncheol” is a song in which a member of a losing team asks another team member, “Do you want to play Mooncheol?” », “Do you want to play Mooncheol? The deal was made by talking and saying things like this. Those who agree on “Mooncheol” go to the live broadcast of a highly qualified streamer (BJ) and make a request. “BJ, please do Muncheol.” “I fought with my teammate during the match. Please judge who did worse.”

BJ plays lawyer Han Moon-cheol, who receives traffic accident video reports from viewers and determines the percentage of fault. That’s why it’s called “Mooncheol”. Even when working on other broadcast content, BJs are happy to receive a request for “Mooncheol” with a big smile. Indeed, the brutal battle of blame between users completely immersed in the game is provocative content guaranteed to be successful.

So far, it seems to be a form of gaming culture for users who love games. But why is there controversy? Indeed, users play “Mooncheol” and bet with real money. The “stake” varies greatly, from 50,000 won each to several million won.

Videos related to Roll Moon Cheol can be easily searched on YouTube.  /Photo = YouTube

Videos related to Roll Moon Cheol can be easily searched on YouTube. / Photo = YouTube The general process is as follows. First, BJ receives the same amount of money from two users into his account before watching the match to determine negligence. Then, BJ watches the match and decides which of the two was less at fault. Finally, BJ deducts a certain part of the total amount as “commission” and gives the remaining money to the user.

One Roll BJ told Hankyung.com, “Just like lawyers receive fees, BJs also receive compensation for investing their airtime and demonstrating their expertise,” and added, “The commission rate for each BJ is different. The usual fee is 10%. “Users who earn and earn money provide additional support to BJ,” he explained.

Lawyer Han Moon-cheol was very angry when he recently learned that his name was being used in this new betting culture. In his YouTube live broadcast on the 4th, he said: “What are you doing in my name? I’ve looked at over 200,000 cases so far, and not all of them are free and “It’s a scam, right?” Are the police investigating? It is my parents who are alone in the world. » “Why are you engaging in fraudulent games of chance under the name you gave me to help you?

Lawyer Han Moon-cheol writes his name in Chinese characters, saying it is a precious first name given to him by his parents.  / Photo = YouTube Hanmuncheol TV

Lawyer Han Moon-cheol writes his name in Chinese characters, saying it is a precious first name given to him by his parents. / Photo = YouTube Han Moon-cheol TV As a lawyer, the legal community believes that such behavior may violate the existing law (gambling crimes and crimes in gambling establishments).

Kim Ga-heon, a lawyer at Ilho Law Firm, said: “Gambling is only recognized when winning or losing is determined by unforeseeable and fortuitous circumstances. During a role play, “who was more at fault” seems “This is a subjective and uncertain situation for each party”, adding: “In this case, it is also a crime game”. An offense of opening a gaming establishment could be established,” he said.

Hong Min-seong, Hankyung.com reporter mshong@hankyung.com

#Han #Mooncheol #Geuk #Daeno #whats

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