Exploring the Mind-Body Connection for Optimal Health and Well-Being: Somatic Therapy and Body Practices

2024-03-19 11:00:00

Both health physical as the mental They are fundamental pillars for an individual to reach a state of plenitude and well-being.

In most cases, both fields are valued and treated individually, and although this is not wrong since there are specialists in both aspects, it is important know the close relationship that the body has with the mind and vice versa.

There is a term called somatic therapy and Amanda Baker, director of the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and clinical psychologist in the department of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, defines it as the practices that favor the body when you see affected by negative experiences or emotions coming from your mind.

Psychological factors such as anxiety, trust problems, self-esteem, stress and traumatic experiences from the past are some of the most recurrent that affect the body directly, as they materialize in symptoms such as fatiguethe fatigue and other more serious problems such as hypertension, chronic pain and depression.

Somatic therapy, in Baker’s words, seeks to “drain those emotions within the bodyor to relieve pain and other negative manifestations.”

There are many actions to prevent psychological factors from affecting physical health and vice versa, but one of the most used is what is called “body practices”used mostly by physiotherapists, where various exercises and activities are carried out that not only promote physical health, but are quite effective for mental health.

A “two-way” relationship

In Guatemala, there is the Mental Health Physiotherapy Association (Asofisme), which originated in 2018 and is dedicated to providing body strategies in the care, promotion, prevention and attention to mental and physical health.

Maria Eugenia de León, a physiotherapist at Asofisme in the field of psychiatry, explains that at a cultural level there has been a “comprehensive vision” of the human being where “Divided” the concept of mind and body, when in reality, It is a “two-way” relationship..

“Human beings really do not function in the way that is believed, where the brain is the ‘commander’ of the body. Today we have research fields such as psychoneuroimmunology that explains this two-way interaction between the nervous system and our psychological processes”, explains the expert.

Eugenia makes the analogy of the mind and body with the two sides of a coin, that despite being “different” they are part of the same system, and will be affected by each other.

“It is enough for us to think about emotions like anger and how it is expressed in our body as a alteration in our breathing, heart ratemuscle tension and blood circulation,” he explains.

It says that the mind and the body They are “inseparable” since in the end the emotions that an individual experiences are about physiological processes that directly affect the body.


De León mentions a concept called Salutogenesis, which was originated at the end of the 20th century by Aaron Antonovsky and which states that the individual finds well-being and health in himself.

“The author says that it is very difficult for us as human beings to be completely sick or healthy. It is a range of black and whites, where there may not be a diagnosis of any illness, but one may feel unwell; And otherwise, when someone feels well, they may have some type of illness,” says de León.

The basis of the concept of salutogenesis, in the words of the expert, is that what really affects people It’s not the facts themselves, but how you react to them.

According to physiotherapy experts, the mind and the body are “inseparable” since it is a “two-way interaction between the nervous system and our psychological processes“. (Free Press Photo: Shutterstock)


The body and mind are constantly affected by external “stimuli” or “triggers” such as the work environment and social pressure that can have negative repercussions. However, it does not necessarily affect everyone in the same way.

Carmen Maria Gantenbein, a physiotherapist dedicated to the preventive area, health and occupational safety, says that it is important to keep in mind that, in addition to the physiological aspect of the body, we must pay attention to the immunological aspect in the face of these different “triggers”.

Gantenbein mentions that, speaking of the workplace, Each person is different, and they will not respond in the same way faced with the same situation.

“It is important to know the person, how they react to start working with them and start recommending actions in favor of their well-being. For example, many people have this concept that problems have to stay at home and at work you just have to go to work, but that is not the case, In the end we are people and not robots to put aside those problems or emotions that harm us,” says Gantenbein.

Gabriela Escobar, physiotherapist, who currently carries out awareness-raising work in different communities in Guatemala such as Magdalena Milpas Altas, Sacatepéquez, where she mainly serves groups of older adults and children, points out the relevance of raising awareness of the importance of physical and mental care through of the movement.

It is important to get out of a sedentary lifestyle and the negative triggers to be able to have physical activity without feeling heavy. On the contrary, let it be enjoyed,” says Escobar.

Body practices

The three physical therapists listed some “body practices” that they use, ranging from psychological aspects such as meditation to others more focused on physical activity.

Breathing has been very important to me., since I consider it the central axis of everything because it is something that everyone does daily. What we want is for it to become a conscious practice,” explains de León.

He also mentioned actions such as conscious movement of different parts of the body, the “sensory strategies” that allow “potentializing” the development of the senses as visual and auditory stimuli.

“There is also physical activity, but we are not referring to what most people know, such as going to the gym or going for a run, but rather those activities related to our tastes that break with a sedentary lifestyle, such as gardening,” says de León.

In fact, he recommends that people look for the activities that they like the most, in addition to conventional physical activity, always with the condition of being in constant movement.

For his part, Escobar develops equine therapy, a treatment in which, with the help of a horse A positive impact is sought for the person on a cognitive, emotional and social level..

“First, with this treatment we are in a place that is not hospitable but in a place with several natural elements. If there are problems related to depression in the person, we ask that comb the horse, let them caress it, let them feel its temperature and that they have a sense of responsibility when feeding them,” says Escobar.

He also mentions that horses are very receptive animals, and can determine when the person approaching them is nervous, calm, scared, tense, etc.; which allows, in Escobar’s words, the animal to be an ideal co-therapist.

“When riding the horse we can also take it as a body practice, since the action of rocking while the animal walks is a genuine form of relaxation and causes our brain’s alert levels to decrease.

Gantenbein explains the practices he carries out in work environments, and says that everything depends on the type of person and type of work, since it is not the same to serve people who have a job where they must remain seated at a desk as staff. a plant.

“In addition to conscious breathing exercises and stretching, what we also implement are work breaks, but in the correct way since sometimes at work these breaks are carried out that lose all meaning because, after them, we are back to work. pending our tasks for the day, or We don’t pay enough attention because we think about emails, meetings, etc.,” says the physiotherapist.

Live with yourself

The three experts agree on the importance of people knowing themselves in favor of well-being, seeking ways to develop physically and mentally, and beginning to reformulate the perception that mental health is only for “crazy” or “crazy” people. who have some psychological problem.

“It is important that we begin to deconstruct those concepts that we have especially regarding mental health and begin to recognize that it is important to be in touch with ourselves. Many times we pay a lot of attention to what is outside of work, but it is also important to recognize that this is temporary and the only thing that remains for life is ourselves,” says de León.

Escobar adds that understanding the relationship between the mind and body, understanding how they complement each other and taking actions in their favor brings a lot of wealth and contributions to general well-being.

“The body is what takes us places, but the mind is what makes us dream and have purpose. Having self-care, understanding the relationship between mind and body is a great investment in yourself although it may be difficult to start, but in the end Doing it makes you realize how much it contributes to being well,” says Escobar.

Finally, within the professional field, Gantenbein emphasizes the importance of work in favor of mental health, since they are professions that look out for others.

“Before thinking about others, one should reflect and analyze what they want, where they are, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they can improve their lives,” says the expert.

#keys #understanding #care #general #wellbeing

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