Extraordinary Friendship: How Two Crows Show Gratitude Through Gifts on a Balcony

2023-07-22 13:04:50

Created: 07/22/2023 15:04

By: Sina Lück

Every day a woman feeds two crows on her balcony. In gratitude, the birds constantly bring various gifts.

Nobody really likes noisy neighbors. When you move, you can only hope that nice people live on the other side of the garden fence. It seems that American Tango Steinke didn’t do well. Because in her new house in Virginia (USA) she gets regular visits from two cawing crows, who seem to feel very comfortable on her balcony. Little does she know that this is the beginning of an extraordinary friendship.

Crows say thank you – because a woman feeds them every day

For Tango Steinke, it quickly becomes clear: the crows cannot be driven away that easily. After all, they were there first. The only way she can be happy in her new home is to make friends with the crows. So she begins to approach her feathered neighbors and lay peanuts for them. “I’ve already fed the other birds and squirrels, extending this to the crows only made sense,” the American told animal website The Dodo. And indeed: since the onset of winter, Doc and Dottie, as Tango Steinke affectionately calls the two ravens, have been visiting almost every day. Word of the delicious food spread quickly gets around among their peers, too. The two crows regularly bring their friends along to dine with them on the balcony.

Tango Steinke always serves the crows something delicious to eat on her balcony. © TikTok (tangobird)

Crows thank you – they leave various gifts on the balcony

When Tango Steinke goes out onto the balcony one day, a little surprise awaits her there. Between the peanut shells she discovers a pebble that she cannot identify at first. But then she realizes: It must be a thank you from Doc and Dottie! Tango immediately grabs the camera to share it with everyone on their TikTok channel “tangobird”. There are now quite a few clips there that show how grateful the two birds are for the food – and how creative they are when choosing presents. Whether it’s a button, acorn or bottle cap: the collection is impressive.

A video in which Tango holds two coins in his hands is particularly popular with users – probably because it is the most unusual gift from the two crows to date. Tango is also speechless about this special gesture from her feathered friends: “I don’t know where they found a 1 cent coin in Virginia, but this is the coolest gift they left and probably the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Editor’s note: This text has already appeared in the past. He was of particular interest to many readers. That’s why we’re offering it again.

Crows say thank you – people on the web have had similar experiences

On the net, people are amazed at how the Raben* Thank you with the money for the food. 14.6 million users have already viewed the clip and left more than 14,000 comments, some of which report similar experiences. Here is a selection:

“Lucky Coins! Very cool.” “Crows are actually able to communicate with their language. They also remember faces.” “My neighbor has two crows that she takes care of. She told me today that they found her hair band that she had lost in the yard and brought it back to her.” “Last year I fed a Eurasian magpie family, I was given two pebbles, a dried flower and a cigarette. Ravens are cool ????””This is so cool. How do you train the crows for this? I love that!” “Over time, they paid their bill. ???? This is the coolest thing ever. ????”
#Crows #gifts #women #feed

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