Extremely fast and simple version of the wedding…the bride and groom are absent, “the parents will leave the stage within 20 seconds of giving a speech”, the insider tells the truth | International | CTWANT

2023-04-20 10:34:01

Some people attended a wedding without a bride and groom. (Picture / Recap from Star Video)

So embarrassing! Recently, a couple held a wedding ceremony in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, China. However, the bride and groom did not show up. The parents of the woman left the stage after giving a speech for only 20 seconds. The people who participated joked that it was a “quick and simple” wedding. The exposure of the news sparked a discussion.

Ms. Tian attended the wedding of her neighbor’s daughter on the 19th. When she arrived, she learned that the newcomer would not be present. The scene only showed photos of the bride and groom, and the parents of the woman gave a brief speech before the meeting began. She said that she participated in a very new kind of wedding. The bride’s parents wished everyone good food and drink, and they left the stage after 20 seconds of speech.

Ms. Tian explained that the bride had just been promoted in Beijing, and the couple were still working that day, so they did not attend. “The girl was just promoted and did not come back. The scene only showed photos of the new couple, and her parents talked on stage for 20 seconds. If it’s a wedding, we’ll start eating.” Dad finds drinking buddies, mom finds someone to chat with, and she’s in charge of eating. “Young people are envious of such a wedding.”

Photos of the bride and groom were played live, and the parents left the stage after giving a speech for only 20 seconds. (Picture / Recap from Star Video)

In response to this matter, some netizens thought it was impersonal, “It feels like it’s just a perfunctory, no sense of respect”, “Even if it’s just a promotion, the company doesn’t have a holiday for such a big event like marriage? Wouldn’t it be a pity to have a wedding without a newcomer?”, “I don’t think there is any sense of ceremony at all, it’s a bit perfunctory”, “I feel that her parents only said a few words, they don’t attach much importance to this wedding.”

However, some netizens felt envious, “It can be seen that this is a new way”, “Anyway, I still like this sense of ritual”, “I think this is not very good, and it will not delay everyone’s meal time. After all, except Parents, how many guests really want to witness the happiness of the bride and groom? It’s just a meal for the family.” “I think this kind of wedding is also very good, and it fits the thinking of contemporary young people.”

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