Facial Similarity and Attraction: Discover the Science Behind Attractive Faces

2023-07-10 11:46:21

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When looking at the opposite sex, people with similar facial features to themselves were found to be more attractive. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When meeting a member of the opposite sex, it is said that they are attracted to the opposite sex, but it was found that they are more attracted to people who are similar to themselves on the outside.

In a study conducted jointly by researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Queensland in Australia and the University of Stirling in the UK, people rated people with similar facial features as more attractive.

The researchers conducted a study with 682 participants. Participants conducted a speed-dating session in which they had a three-minute conversation with one partner. A total of 2285 encounters were made, after which participants rated each other on facial attractiveness, kindness, and understanding.

The researchers then analyzed facial images of the participants to calculate facial features such as masculinity, averageness, and similarity between the conversation partners. About half of the people I spoke with were of the same ethnicity, and the other half were of a different race.

The analysis found that participants rated partners with geometrically average faces as more attractive than those with faces that resembled them. Also, partners of the same race scored higher on facial attractiveness than partners of different races.

Interestingly, regardless of race, people with similar facial features rated each other as looking kinder.

The research team said, “The results of this study suggest that similar-looking faces evoke intimacy, making people feel comfortable, familiar, and belonging to people who resemble them.”

The results of this study were published in ‘Evolution and Human Behavior’ under the title of ‘Objectively measured facial traits predict in-person evaluations of facial attractiveness and prosociality in speed-dating partners’.

#sex #unexpectedly #attracted #kind #person #research

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