Facundo González plays a practical joke on Luciana Fuster and she runs off the set of “Esto es Habacilar” | RMMN entertainment | SHOWS

WHAT HAPPENED? The model Luciana Fuster was the victim of a cruel joke by her partner Facundo González during one of the contest program competitions “”.

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The Argentine was summoned to participate in the game “The Crazy Balls”. After descending from the “Academicians” gallery, Facundo stopped her participation to take off his shoes and approached the influencer to put them up to her nose, causing her to flee in fright amid screams.

How can you think? that’s evil“, he pointed Luciana Fuster Obviously uncomfortable with the actions of her partner, while the hosts of the program took the fact with humor and only managed to laugh.

Facundo Gonzaléz suffers a discount on his salary for a joke on Luciana Fuster

Since his arrival on Peruvian television, Facundo Gonzalez He has been characterized by his great sense of humor, however, one of his pranks cost him a discount on his remuneration this past Tuesday.

The Argentine had proposed that the producer of the program also participate in the game ‘remove garments’, a request that was immediately rejected. Upon such a request, Johanna San Miguel surprised when announcing that they would increase the prize of said competition thanks to the discount of 500 soles that the ‘wacho’ salary would suffer.


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