Fall Foods for Better Sleep: Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder with these Seasonal Delights

2023-10-27 05:00:00

With the arrival of autumnmany people suffer seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression caused, among other causes, by a lack of vitamin D, since we do not receive it as much from the sun, since the days, in this season, become ‘shorter’. The sadness, lose interest in activities that were previously enjoyed o have little energy These are some symptoms of this problem, which affects between 1 and 10% of the population.

This type of depression It can also affect our sleepand some people who suffer from it sleep more hours than they usually do, while in others seasonal affective disorder causes them to not be able to fall asleep easily.

A poor sleep quality It will make us feel more tired and perform worse in our day, since it will also will decrease our ability to concentrate. In the long term, people who do not get enough sleep will have more risk of heart-related disease or suffering a cardiovascular accident.

Some tricks to fall asleep better are keep our bedroom dark and away from noise when we get ready to sleep, as well as do exercise during the day, although physical activity should be carried out at least two hours before going to bed, otherwise it can be counterproductive, since it will activate us.

These seasonal foods will help you sleep better

Food can also help us fall asleep more easily, so we could go to some foods that, with the arrival of autumn, they have become seasonal so that we sleep better. Some are perfect to add to our dinner, while others we could have for dessert, after that last meal of the day.

An example is the pumpkinwhich is rich in tryptophanan amino acid that the body uses to produce the happiness hormone, serotonin, which also regulates sleep. This food could be the protagonist of a hot creamperfect to have at fall dinners.

Another seasonal food that we can add to our dinners is spinachwhat could be included in a salad. This vegetable contains a large amount of magnesiumwhich helps relax our muscles and, therefore, help us fall asleep more easily.

A seasonal food to have for dessert at dinner that will help us sleep better is apple, a fruit that will also strengthen our immune system and strengthen our gums. He sweet potato waves chestnuts They will also make us fall asleep more easily, so it would also be interesting if they were added to our diet.

#seasonal #foods #sleep

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