Famous Mouth broke the news that she “gathered celebrities for fun” Wang Ruide revealed that even Famous Mouth had fallen to Zheng Hongyi and was stunned | Entertainment | CTWANT

Zenger, the “goddess of mountaineering” with a dazzling appearance, was recently reported to rely on her body for sponsorship, and had an affair with a married man. Veteran media personality Wang Ruide broke the news on the talk show “News Digging Wow” that women who had good conditions around them all took pleasure in “collecting celebrity husbands”, and even acquaintances fell into the trap, making Zheng Hongyi unbearable after listening to it. Keep asking “Do I know?”

Senior media person Wang Ruide broke the news that in fact, he has met women who “specially collect celebrities and celebrities”, and even acquaintances have fallen. (Picture / Flip from the news digging wow! YT)

Wang Ruide mentioned in the program that he actually met women who “specially collect celebrities and famous gentlemen”. As for the reason, Wang Ruide pointed out that because these women think that “collecting famous gentlemen is a big challenge”, but Wang Ruide also pointed out that he I think that if a celebrity encounters a woman approaching, they should be on guard, but the celebrity’s wife will not “she is an amateur, she may be unguarded, plus she is a good friend, a good boudoir, and the female chases the male compartment. yarn”.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ruide also revealed, “We really have famous mouths falling like this.” This made the host Zheng Hongyi unbelievable on the spot. He couldn’t help but ask him, “Do I know each other?” Wang Ruide replied directly. “It’s very familiar”, which caused an uproar among the guests at the scene!

Wang Ruide’s revelations also aroused discussions among the hosts and guests at the scene. “A few words”, he jokingly said, “Most of them are three words.” Wang Ruide also used his own experience to mention that he had encountered women who took the initiative to put their hands on him. His buttocks made him cold from his feet to his head, and his whole body stiffened. “So the rumor is true.” In the end, he laughed and said that Rui was “Barbie Q” when his wife found out.

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