Fasting, ketogenic diet help cancer treatment?Experts remind: get “right” cancer

Pictures, texts/Eternal Spring Monthly

Diet control can not only improve obesity, but also help fight diseases when you are sick! A paper published in the new “Science Journal” found that short-term fasting and the popular ketogenic diet may help enhance the effect of cancer treatment for patients undergoing cancer treatment; For cancer, otherwise, I am afraid that the goal has not been achieved, and blood vessel embolism will be caused first.

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The study was published by a professor of biochemistry at the University of Southern California. In the in vitro experiments of Dr. Valter Longo’s team, it was found that reducing the nutrients in the culture medium can protect healthy cells from the side effects of chemotherapy drug toxicity and make cancer cells more prone to apoptosis. In their mouse cancer model, it was also found that fasting can strengthen the drug to inhibit tumor proliferation. When the mice treated with cancer were fasted for only 2 or 3 days, it was helpful for the drug to inhibit tumor growth and improve Survival rate of mice.

Fasting lowers blood glucose

The research team believes that fasting lowers glucose in the blood, putting healthy cells into a protective state of slow metabolism. It is well known that the replication and proliferation of tumor cells requires more heat supply than normal cells, thus making tumor cells more sensitive to starvation.

A doctor once conducted an experiment in the treatment of breast cancer patients. One group fasted for two weeks and the other group ate a normal diet. It was found that 20% of the normal diet group could not complete the treatment. The cancer treatment effect of the fasting group was better, and healthy cells were stimulated. The loss rate is also lower. Dr. Longo has applied to the National Cancer Institute for clinical trials in breast cancer patients.

The research team of the Gustave Roussy Institute in France conducted research on the ketogenic diet for mice treated with skin cancer, kidney cancer or lung cancer. Scientists believe that the ketogenic diet and fasting have the same effect effect. The ketogenic diet forces the liver to convert excess fat into ketone bodies, making it difficult for cancer cells that are thirsty for glucose to obtain energy and fail to proliferate; the researchers found that the ketone bodies produced by the ketogenic diet enhanced the anti-cancer ability of T cells in experimental mice, There are also currently researchers starting a 40-person pancreatic cancer trial.

see expert opinion

Huang Shuhui, a dietician at Postal Hospital, said that the cancer risk of diabetic patients is much higher than that of ordinary people. In recent years, research has always believed that insulin and hormones that stimulate insulin secretion and other related hormones can promote the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, she believes that through fasting or It is the ketogenic diet that regulates blood sugar, which is helpful for cancer prevention and cancer treatment.

But Huang Shuhui also reminded that the most common cause of death for cancer patients is not cancer cells, but lack of nutrition and physical strength, so fasting is very dangerous for cancer patients. The ketogenic diet is even a dangerous attempt. She believes that adopting a ketogenic diet or fasting during cancer treatment may make the patient’s biochemical examination “pretty”, and it seems that the cancer cell killing effect is very good.

But another function of fasting or ketogenic diet is to lose weight. When the human body needs to use a lot of glucose, there is no glucose supply. The human body will first use the protein of muscle tissue to burn to replace the energy production of glucose, and then it is the turn of fat cells . This may be an unexpected benefit for healthy people, but if cancer patients develop sarcopenia, it may affect their health even more.

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In addition, 90% of the calorie source of the ketogenic diet is fat. Many cases have found that patients with cholesterol problems who adopt the ketogenic diet did not benefit from it, but were first harmed by vascular embolism. And some cancers are related to fat production, Huang Shuhui reminded, such as cancers related to the reproductive system: breast cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, and intestinal cancers such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, etc., are all related to blood fat Excessive ketogenic diet is related, and the intake of oil will also increase the burden of pancreas digestion. Therefore, these cancer patients are not suitable for adopting a ketogenic diet.

Huang Shuhui suggested that “low GI diet” is a better choice. Choosing foods with a low glycemic index can slow down the rate and magnitude of blood sugar rise and prevent insulin production. Low GI foods are mostly low-calorie vegetables and fruits, which contain a variety of antioxidant ingredients, which can increase the anti-cancer effect, and are safer than fasting and ketogenic diets.

The article is authorized to be reproduced from “ever spring monthlyFasting, ketogenic diet help cancer treatment?Experts remind: get “right” cancer

Further reading:
The ketogenic diet is helpful for fat loss and weight loss, but there are two major risks hidden
Ketogenic diet for weight loss!Fear of triggering migraine is so sad, eating “2 kinds of fish” can help relieve pain

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