Father’s Love That Was Never Said But It Was Real

Hi Mother, surely you have often heard stories about how great a mother’s love is for her children. And we also feel for ourselves how we prioritize the interests of children above personal interests. Mother figure is never tired of ensuring the growth and development of her baby well. All the love that is given will not be replaced, please agree ????

The closeness of children to their mothers is also closer, can you imagine from the time children are born until they are two years old they are always in our arms as mothers. near his mother.

Mothers do have different ways of caring for and educating their children. However, we always want to give the best for their children. But what happens when children lose a mother figure in their life, especially when they are growing up.

As we all know, when a father figure suddenly disappears due to death or divorce, the wife is considered more able to survive, and chooses not to look for a replacement and to focus on taking care of her family. The mother is able to carry out the role of being the backbone of the family, even being a substitute for the father figure in the family.

But there are also not a few conditions where the father becomes a substitute for the mother figure in the household in real life. Even though there are more husbands who quickly move on and have a replacement partner on the grounds that they don’t want their children to lose their mother figure in their development.

While scrolling through TikTok, I accidentally came across a very touching video from Generos, which tells the story of a family carrying out sahur in the month of Ramadan, there is a daughter who sulks at her father and it seems that there is no mother figure in this story. It turns out that they have to live life without the presence of a mother figure in Ramadan this time.

GENEROS Video Spread Kindness

In this video, in my opinion, breaks the issue of high fatherlessness in Indonesia. Where the father in the video is shown to be able to raise and educate his children well alone, even without a mother figure.

The child is always reminded to do good, which is a teaching and behavior that is always exemplified by his mother, but there was a time when the child missed his mother, the father was willing to dress like a woman in order to present a mother figure in front of his child.

It’s very rare to find one, but there is a father who is willing and able to work while taking care of his family without a wife by his side. Replacing the mother’s position in her child’s life is certainly not an easy thing.

It becomes a challenge in itself when you become two figures for your child, where a father who is famous for his firm attitude in educating his child, but now the father has to play a double role for the sake of his child, replacing the mother figure in his child’s heart.

I was really touched when I learned the fact that the small family in the video was not just left for work or left for a while by their mother, so they had to have sahur alone together. It turns out that the mother figure is gone and will not be in their lives forever. All the good habits and teachings of the mother became an encouragement for the two of them to go through the day.

Hopefully all those who still have a complete family with the presence of father and mother figures can be grateful for their current life, appreciate the existence of both parents and love each other with all their hearts. Because no one knows what our fate and future will be, being grateful for the life we ​​have now is one way.

Happy fasting, welcome Ramadan with joy and don’t forget to always spread goodness in our daily lives, Mother.

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