Fear of water, 67 years since I started living without a bath | Fear of water; 67 years since I started living without a bath


There is a man who has not bathed for sixty-seven years. The man was identified as Amu Haji, 87, of Dhajgah village in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Amu last bathed in 1954. Amu’s story was first presented to the world by the Tehran Times. He was later sought after by the international media.

Fear of water made Amu Haji a man who had not bathed for seven decades. He believes that bathing will make him unwell and cleanliness will make him sick. He eats rotten meat of animals and smokes dry animal excrement. Although Amu wanted to live alone and marry someone, it did not happen. He wears a helmet to protect himself from the cold in winter.

Amu lives in a pit or a hut built by the locals. According to locals, Amu’s skin was rough like a rock because he did not bathe. The beard is scalded with fire to keep it trimmed. If Amu does not move in the middle of the forest, it will look like a rock. Amu says she lives happily and healthily.


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