February Weather in Arabian Gulf: Temperature, Wind, Humidity, and Historical Data

2024-02-02 08:43:34

February is considered one of the months of winter, as the Arabian Gulf region remains under the influence of the extension of the Siberian high air mass, accompanied by a cold northern air mass. Temperatures continue to drop in the country in general during this month, although they rise slightly, especially in the second half of the month. In some areas compared to January.

The country is affected by the passage of air depressions coming from the Mediterranean Sea, which lead to instability in weather conditions, as southern winds stir up dust and sand, and rain clouds sometimes multiply.

The prevailing winds during this month are southeasterly in the morning, turning to westerly and northwesterly during the day, while the country is sometimes affected by active northwesterly winds (northern winds).

Relative humidity increases during this month, and there is an opportunity for light and dense fog to form early in the morning, especially in coastal areas.

Climatic statistics and historical records

Temperature degrees

The average temperature ranges between 18 and 21°C.

The average maximum temperature is between 23 and 28 °C.

The average minimum temperature is between 12 and 16 °C.

The highest temperature was 39.8 °C in the island’s border guards in 2009.

The lowest temperature on Jebel Jais in 2017 was 5.7 °C below zero.

The wind
Average wind speed is 13 km/h
The highest wind speed and gust was 141.5 (km/h) on Mount Mubarrah in 2010.


The average relative humidity during this month is 59%.

The average maximum relative humidity is between 78% and 88%.
The average minimum relative humidity is between 29% and 40%.

The fog

The highest year in which fog occurred over the past years was in 2021, when the number of fog occurrences was 18 days of fog and 4 days of light fog.


The highest amount of rain recorded during this month was 317 mm in Al Huwaylat in 1988.

#Unstable #weather #conditions #Emirates #February

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