Fecal transplantation: here is a new anti-aging remedy

Lately, it must be admitted that the word ” caca became very popular on social media because of Dubai Porta Potty. And in this article, it is still about that.

Many individuals are ready to do anything to fight the signs of aging. That’s good, because it will take a large dose of motivation to, one day perhaps, test this new remedy that scientists are currently exploring: the poop transplant.

A study published in the journal Microbiome thus presents the amazing results of an experiment carried out on mice. A team from the Quadram Institute, a food and health research center in England, operated on mice of a certain age transplants of microbiota (sets of microorganisms) from the feces of much younger mice, to then observe the changes caused.

The least we can say is that the improvements were there: the older mice had fewer problems with their eyes, intestines and brain function after the operation, reports Futurism.

On the other hand, when the transplantation was carried out in the other direction, that is to say during a transfer of stools from old mice to younger mice, the latter suddenly presented multiple signs of intestinal aging and of inflammation.

The results of this study again show the preponderant role that intestinal microbes play on our health, from the retina to the brain, but also on our aging. From there to imagining one day youth programs where aging intestinal microbes would be replaced by those of young donors? There is certainly only one step, but it has not yet been taken.

For now, such medical care, whether through transplantation or diet, requires further research. The trials are promising, but they have only been performed on mice. We will have to wait a little longer before seeing their application to humans.

In the meantime, faecal microbiota transplantation continues to make progress. Applications are multiplying and beginning to show results in many areas, ranging from malnutrition to symptoms of autism.

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