Federal presidential election 2022: Apply for an election card until Friday

But now it’s time! If you want to use a voting card for the presidential election on Sunday, you only have until 12 noon on Friday, October 7th. As of today, only a personal application in the electoral department is possible.

VIENNA. Austria is again spoiled for choice: Who should be our new/old Federal President? This question will be decided on Sunday, October 9th. But since not all Viennese really have the opportunity or time to cast their vote in their home district on election day, there is the possibility of applying for a ballot card. But beware! The deadline for this is soon to expire.

Because as of today, Thursday, there is only one personal request possible in the responsible electoral department. Each district has its own electoral department. There is an overview of all 23 elective departments in Vienna here. The deadline for written applications or online applications expired on Wednesday.

The time is running

But even those who still want to submit a personal application have to hurry up now. The deadline is Friday at 12 noon. After that, it is no longer possible to apply for an absentee ballot. Anyone who misses this deadline and cannot go to the polls in their district on Sunday will lose the opportunity to express their vote. You can use your absentee ballot to cast your vote at any polling station in Austria on election day.

Anyone who votes by postal vote must remember that the absentee ballot will arrive by post, courier or hand delivery no later than 5 p.m. on election day, October 9th. The postal ballot card used can also be handed in on election day at any polling station throughout Austria during opening hours and at any district elections authority by 5 p.m.

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