“Feeding Chinese Medicine to Babies: Myths and Facts”

2023-04-22 14:23:00

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine said that Chinese medicine is not an antibiotic, so there is no need to worry that taking the medicine will destroy the good bacteria in the baby’s intestines or develop drug resistance; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Most people think that Chinese medicine is mild and has few side effects, but is it suitable for babies to take Chinese medicine? Aiming at the three common myths of parents who are worried about the slow effect of traditional Chinese medicine, fear of difficulty in feeding medicine without syrup, and taking western medicine first before changing to Chinese medicine. Li Qi, director of Chengxing Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, took her experience of feeding Chinese medicine to children over one year old as an example, saying that of course it is possible to feed babies Chinese medicine.

Li Qi posted on her Facebook page “Li Qi Chinese Medicine PhysicianThe article pointed out that traditional Chinese medicine is not an antibiotic, so there is no need to worry about taking the medicine that will destroy the good bacteria in the baby’s intestines or develop drug resistance. Secondly, the principle of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is to use the baby’s own immunity to fight against colds. If the medicine is prescribed properly, the baby’s immunity will also get better and better while the symptoms of the cold improve.

The effect of traditional Chinese medicine feels slower?

Li Qi explained that every cold has a certain course of disease, and it is normal for the symptoms to be more obvious in the first 2-3 days. As long as the medicine is taken in time at the early stage of the cold, and the baby’s body is light and agile, and the blood circulation is good, the symptoms can be improved quickly.

Physicians do not mix syrup when prescribing traditional Chinese medicine, fearing that it will be difficult to feed the medicine

Li Qi said that you can ask the doctor to prescribe a medicine that is not too bitter. However, taking medicine requires training, and the baby’s adaptability is actually good. As long as you feed it a few times, the baby can gradually adapt to the natural herbal taste of Chinese medicine.

Take western medicine a few days before you catch a cold, and then take traditional Chinese medicine

Li Qi pointed out that it is best to take traditional Chinese medicine when the symptoms of a cold first appear. Yes, but try not to wait for the symptoms to drag on for several weeks before seeing a Chinese medicine doctor. The sooner the treatment is performed, the better the effect will be.

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