Fernando Pérez, Pino, was the brother of Reveriano, from the Los Pelones band, in Totonacapan

Fernando Pérez Vega, former Fuerza por México candidate for mayor of Coxquihui and district coordinator of that political institute, is the person murdered along with his family in the port of Veracruz, where he had attended to participate in a press conference, in which various leaders of Fuerza por México had demanded justice for the mayor of Rafael Delgado, Isauro Ambrosio Tocohua.

The event to demand justice was held in a well-known hotel in the tourist area and was led by the national leader of Fuerza por México, Gerardo Islas Maldonado, who demanded that the Veracruz government stop criminalizing politicians murdered in Veracruz territory.

Flanked by Eduardo “Tato” Vega, state leader of the party; They requested the State Attorney General’s Office and the Governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, to carry out investigations in accordance with the law to find the whereabouts of all those involved in the murder of the mayor executed on December 30 in the mountainous area of ​​Veracruz.

“Ask the state government, mainly the State Prosecutor’s Office, the prosecutor, a talented woman, a woman dedicated to her work, that responsibilities be established, that an investigation be delivered in accordance with the Law, not only for those governed, but also also for the peace and tranquility of his municipality, personally for his family,” said the national leader at the conference before the media.

However, the speech of the ex-leader of the extinct Fuerza por México party is not understood, if he referred to the prosecutor in a serious and correct manner or with sarcasm.

And it is that, at the press conference, leaders of Fuerza por México from various parts of the state appeared who raised their voices so that the case of the mayor of Rafael Delgado does not go unpunished.

However, just a few days ago, the governor of Veracruz stated at a press conference that the case of that mayor, and that of other assassinated politicians, points to relations with organized crime groups for having made pacts to win the last elections in the municipalities.

The Veracruz president reiterated that he constantly, before the elections, asked the political parties to take great care of the people they let reach the candidacies, precisely to avoid these problems.

Fernando Pérez Vega was located by the government of Veracruz as a high generator of violence in the Sierra de Papantla, where he was an ally of his brother, the former mayor of Coxquihui, Reveriano Pérez Vega, alias El Pelón, head of a criminal group that operates in Totonacapan, known as the Los Pelones gang, who have had political control in those municipalities for more than 30 years.

In March 2017, the brother of the now-deceased man was the mayor of Coxquihui, and an armed command came to the town to kill him. The balance of those confrontations cost the lives of five police officers and three civilians, Reveriano saved his life.

Fernando Pérez Vega’s resume is marked by numerous acts of violence, shootings, searches, etc., for which the Veracruz government had him on file.

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