Few, but there are: How many inhabitants of Malvinas define themselves as Argentines?

Although the majority of the population of the Malvinas Islands regards Argentina with suspicion (or open enmity), there are some inhabitants of the islands who are encouraged to “swim against the current” and recognize themselves as Argentines, either fully or invoking his ancestry.

Last year the British authorities of the South Atlantic archipelago carried out the census to determine precisely how many people live there, and thus it was concluded that the islands have a population of 3,662 people.

Among this statistical information, the character multicultural of the island population: although it is a small number of inhabitants, similar to that of any locality in the interior of our country, the census registered no less than inhabitants of 86 different nationalities.

The majority correspond to natives of the United Kingdom, while then follow the groups of those born on the island of Santa Elena, the Filipinos and the group of Chilean citizens is also large.

And in that list released by the British authorities, a small group of islanders put Argentine when answering about their nationality. Thus it was said that a man stressed that his nationality is Argentine; another woman recognized herself as Brazilian-Argentinian; two more people (one of each sex) defined themselves as British-Argentine; another woman chose to answer as ‘isleño-británico-argentino’ and finally five inhabitants (two men and three women) registered in the census as ‘isleño-argentinos’.

There were 10 islanders who mentioned Argentine citizenship in the census

In total, there were 10 people residing in the Malvinas Islands who mentioned some blood or family relationship with Argentina, which represents a small percentage of 0.27% of the kelper population.

In this sense, the family of Sebastian Socodothe manager of the Darwin Cemetery, who is Argentine and met his wife Phoebe, born in Malvinas, in Buenos Aires. They got married and Nicole was born on mainland Argentina: after the 2001 crisis, they decided to move to the Islands and Joshua was born there.

In May 2022, the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) carried out the National Census of Population, Households and Housing and clarified that the population of the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands could not be surveyed because those territories “are subject to the illegal occupation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. “These islands belong to the Islas del Atlántico Sur department,” within the province of Tierra del Fuego, the agency detailed.


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