Fifteen days away from Europeans, overwhelming Royal Navy advance – Liberation

2024-05-23 10:59:00

voting intention

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2024 European elections file

Analysis on voting intentions for the Liberation Occasion confirms the “single prime spot” on Jordan Bardella’s listing and the growth of the far-right get together’s electoral base.

Everyone seems to be behind, and he’s in entrance. A survey performed by Viavoice 17 days earlier than the European elections(1) launch The landslide victory within the nationwide rally was confirmed on Thursday, with all polls pointing to a 15 share level lead over the listing led by chairman RN Jordan Bardella, with 32% of voting intentions, over the listing of its first suitor, the Ennahda president, Led by Valerie Haye. The far-right candidate seems to be the one one not working in opposition to different rivals. Certainly, its Macronist rivals are threatened by Raphaël Glucksmann’s PS-Place Publique listing, which is believed to have 14% of voting intentions.

A 3rd group believed that the listing of ecologists, rebels, Republicans and the Reconquista accounted for between 6% and seven% of voting intentions at one level, forward of an extended “small listing” that included 1.5% or much less listing.

17% of respondents have by no means voted for RN however are contemplating doing so

Along with its stance, our ballot confirms the growth of the electoral base of rallies throughout the nation. Marine Le Pen’s get together stays notably robust among the many working class

#Fifteen #days #Europeans #overwhelming #Royal #Navy #advance #Liberation

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