Financing Options for a Medicine Degree in Spain: Private Universities and Personal Loans

2023-08-09 06:00:02

Access Medicine Degree is one of the most difficult objectives for Spanish students, given that the required average grade in the EBU It is one of the highest in our country. So, more than a 13 grade is required to be able to access the aforementioned studies, which last for a period of six years.

One of the most useful options to study the Degree in Medicine if you have not obtained a sufficient grade to study it at a public university is to probe the existing options in the private universities offered by the studies to be a doctor.

As reported Medical Writing, the cost of studying the Degree in Medicine in these private centers varies greatly throughout Spain, with differences of up to 10,000 euros. For example, at the Alfonso X El Sabio University, the cost of enrollment for the first course amounts to 20.150 euros; while, at the other extreme, studying Medicine at the Catholic University of Valencia involves a cost of 13,449 euros in his first course.

Given this price disparity, if we establish an average between the most expensive and the cheapest, it would be around 15,000 euros for each registration. Considering that the Medicine Degree in Spain consists of six courses, the Total average price of studying Medicine at a private university in Spain would be around 90,000 euros.

An important disbursement that can be resolved by requesting a personal loan bank in the event that the aforementioned amount is not available annually. A solution that this year will be more complex for many due to an issue that has affected the European economy for months: the rise in interest rates. The interest rate of a personal loan is the cost of borrowing money; that is, what the financial institution earns for granting you the credit.

Studying the Degree in Medicine, more expensive due to inflation

During this month of July, the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised interest rates by 25 basis points to try to control inflation. Thus, with each rate rise, borrowing is more expensive; therefore, request a personal loan to finance the studies of the Degree in Medicine at a private university entails an increase in interest and, therefore, in the money that will ultimately have to be repaid to the financial institution once the loan has been paid.

If the data offered by the loan simulators of various Spanish banks are observed, the data obtained is that, for a personal loan of 90,000 euros to be repaid in 7 years, it would be paid each month around 1,300 euros. This supposes an annual payment of 15,600 euros, which shows that the amount returned to the final financial institution will be 109,000 euros. Therefore, access to a private university to study the Degree in Medicine in Spain through a personal loan that would finance all the studies would mean a final cost of almost 20,000 euros more than the prices stipulated by these universities.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.

#alternative #access #expensive

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