Find out 5 foods to have energy at 50

2023-04-20 05:00:07

Over the years, the human body gradually loses the ability to renew cells and metabolism slows down. Therefore, in people over 50, it is common to feel a lack of disposition. One of the ways to reverse the lack of energy is through power adjustments.

Sports nutritionist Diogo Cirico, from Growth Supplements, explains that, in addition to the slowness of some body processes, it is normal to adapt to aging. “Human beings need physical activity to be in a good mood, but it is natural that as they age they become less active and do not pay so much attention to their diet. These habits act cumulatively with normal organic changes,” says Cirico.

He recommends that, from the age of 50, the person varies the diet with good sources of energy, such as carbohydrates, and nutrients to maintain disposition. Some examples are:

1. Cereals and grains

Snack that is easy to add to the diet, cereals and grains offer a high fiber, micro and macronutrient content. The nutritionist recommends, for example, rice, corn and wheat, which are important sources of carbohydrates and, consequently, provide energy for the body.

2. Nuts

In addition to being an extra source of protein, which prevents the loss of muscle mass, nuts have oils rich in essential fatty acids that help provide energy. One of the nuts with the most carbohydrates is the cashew nut.

3. Red fruits

“More than offering just carbohydrates, red fruits provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and, mainly, anthocyanins — a phytochemical that can have direct effects in preventing some diseases and maintaining health”, says Cirico.

4. Sweet potato

Both sweet potatoes and cassava are starchy vegetables, that is, sources of carbohydrates. They will be converted into energy when metabolized by the body without stimulating a significant increase in blood glucose.

5. Beans

Traditionally, beans are part of the Brazilian menu, although it is not easy to prepare. “It can be a source of fiber and complement the supply of protein for vegetarians or vegans, and it is essential to provide more energy”, says the nutritionist.

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