First betas for iOS 15.6, macOS 12.5, tvOS 15.6 and watchOS 8.7

The endless cycle of beta releases continues! Two days after release d’iOS 15.5, tvOS 15.5 and watchOS 8.6 as well as from macOS 12.4, Apple launched a new round of future updates in developer betas last night. So these are iOS 15.6, tvOS 15.6, watchOS 8.7 and macOS 12.5. As too often, Apple does not communicate on the new features included in these new working versions and we do not detect any particular change at first sight…

We will see in the next few weeks if any developments are made known, especially just after the WWDC 2022. We are indeed only three weeks away from this event, whose inaugural conference will take place on June 6th. This will be an opportunity for Apple to present the new features of iOS 16, tvOS 16, watchOS 9 and macOS 13, which in turn will enter a cycle of beta versions which will be much longer, the launch not being expected before September: iOS 15.6, tvOS 15.6, watchOS 8.7 and macOS 12.5 will have had plenty of time to be released in the meantime.

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