five effective exercises to eliminate them

Dark circles occur when the skin under the eyes appears darkened, but this is different from bruising around an eye from an injury, or redness and swelling caused by an infection, according to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

On its website, that organization indicates that dark circles are usually caused by tiredness and sometimes what appear to be dark circles under the eyes, they may simply be the shadows from puffy eyelids or the hollows under the eyes that appear as a normal feature of aging.

Other of the most frequent causes of true circles under the eyes are allergies; atopic dermatitis (eczema); contact dermatitis; hay fever (allergic rhinitis); hereditary factor; skin pigment irregularities; rubbing or scratching your eyes; sun exposure, which causes the body to produce more melanin; the pigment that gives skin its color; skin changes that occur with aging.

For this reason, the portal health 180 revealed some exercises to reduce dark circles and bags. The first involves patting lightly and quickly around the eyes, on the forehead, nose, and cheekbones.

For the second exercise, the skin should be stretched from the dark circles towards the ears with the tips of the index fingers.

The third exercise consists of lying on the bed, but the shoulders must be on the edge so that the head hangs and in this way the head is raised to bring it to the chin for ten seconds.

The penultimate recommendation is to close your eyes for a few seconds, then open them and raise your eyebrows for ten seconds.

Finally, it is suggested to close your eyes and move them in all directions (up, down, left and right) for ten seconds.

For its part, the magazine Harper’s Bazaar revealed another homemade trick to eliminate them almost permanently, for which all you need is a roller that incorporates microneedles, which can be purchased at beauty supply stores.

Thus, the roller should be used every day. Before doing so, the face should be lubricated so that the roller has a better movement and will not hurt the skin. In addition, this must be passed vertically, horizontally and diagonally, but without applying much pressure.

Similarly, the microneedles that the roller incorporates will allow the skin to open its pores and thus absorb other homemade tricks that help improve dark circles, such as, for example, putting cucumber slices, since this food is 97% water and contains antioxidants, natural and mineral oils that make it a great ally to hydrate, repair and protect the skin. In addition, it is a rich source of vitamins A, C and E, so it helps eliminate toxins from the skin, leaving it clean and bright, according to the health portal Better with Health.

On the other hand, it should be noted that dark circles are the most difficult to eliminate, but the Mayo Clinic indicated that they respond well to simple and inexpensive treatments, such as:

  • Cold. Dilated blood vessels under the eyes can contribute to dark circles. Putting a cold compress, a cold teaspoon, or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a soft cloth on the area helps these blood vessels to constrict.
  • More pillows. Elevate the head with two or more pillows to prevent swelling that occurs when fluid accumulates in the lower eyelids.
  • Sleeping more. While not getting enough sleep isn’t the cause of dark circles, lack of sleep can make your skin look paler, making the shadows and dark circles you already have more noticeable.

  • Reduce fluid intake before bedtime and salt in the diet. This will reduce fluid retention that can cause bags under the eyes.
  • No Smoking. Smoking can worsen the problem of bags under the eyes.

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