Five-year-old girl dies after falling in an elevator

The five-year-old girl Danna Lucía Colmenares died Thursday night after falling into the void in an elevator pit, according to versions collected at the Bello Monte morgue.

This event occurred in tower B, of an urban development built by the Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela on Libertador Avenue near Quebrada Honda, Caracas.

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The girl was in the apartment located on the 12th floor. At some point, the little girl came out into the hallway. Later, a neighbor knocked on the door of Andrea Torres, the minor’s mother, to inform her that she had heard a loud bang coming from the elevator.

The girl’s parents began looking for her and walked to the ground floor where they found the body of the minor.

Danna Lucía studied at a preschool in the sector.

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