Flatulence: why do we fart? (And why does it smell so bad?)

2024-03-04 06:30:00

Farts. Some amuse us, embarrass us, even totally disgust us. Regardless, they are a physiological reality common to all human beings: they come mainly from the air we swallow when eating, drinking or speaking, and from the fermentation of food in our digestive system. That said, their frequency, their intensity et their smell can vary from one person to another… “Don’t worry, everyone emits gas! This can be very embarrassing, but it is rather a sign of a good transit,” assures Dr Cyril Begue, general practitioner and deputy secretary general of the College of General Medicine (CMG).

Flatulence: what are the causes of intestinal gas?

Let us first remember that farts, or flatulence, are mainly composed of several gases: mainly nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane et hydrogen. “The exact proportions vary from person to person depending on various factors such as the composition of the intestinal flora, diet, and other metabolic processes,” notes the doctor. Nitrogen and oxygen come from the air we breathe, while carbon dioxide is produced by our bodies during various metabolic processes. Methane and hydrogen are instead produced by bacteria present in our digestive system, during the fermentation of food. Check out all the details below.

Air ingestion

At the risk of surprising you, you may unknowingly swallow a lot of air during the day:

while eating ;while drinking (especially soft drinks);en mâchant un chewing-gum ;by smoking ;etc.

This accumulates in the digestive tract and can be evacuated in the form of burping or flatulence !

Digestion, the first source of intestinal gas

In reality, the formation of intestinal gas is mainly linked to complex process of food digestion, says Dr. Begue. When we ingest food, it goes through different phases of breakdown in our digestive tract. Unfortunately, some carbohydrates are not fully digested in the stomach and pass into the large intestine where bacteria break them down, producing gas.

Do certain foods make you fart more?

Certain foods are well and truly known to increase the formation of intestinal gas. This is particularly the case:

of cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower; legumes such as red or white beans, peas or lentils; dairy products rich in lactose ;des fiber-rich foods food ;and artificial sweeteners.

“It should be noted that each person reacts differently to these foods, and that some people may be much more sensitive to sprouts or milk than others,” emphasizes Dr. Begue. His advice? Monitor your reactions and, why not, keep a food diary to better identify specific foods that may be causing your farts.

What disease causes intestinal gas?

As indicated at the beginning of the article, intestinal gas is completely normal and rarely indicates a health problem. More rarely, however, they can be associated with underlying medical conditions, such as:

a Food intolerance. For example, some people may have difficulty digesting lactose, which can lead to increased fart production. irritable bowel syndrome (SCI). This functional disorder of the digestive system can in fact cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and gas. gluten intolerance. People with celiac disease, an autoimmune reaction to gluten, may experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as flatulence. inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis can cause digestive problems, including excessive flatulence. bacterial or viral gastrointestinal infection.and bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO).a intestinal obstruction.a constipation.

“If you notice a sudden increase in farts, accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating or unexplained weight loss, consult your doctor quickly who will possibly refer you to a specialist doctor,” recommends Dr. Begue.

A medicinal origin

Some medications can sometimes have surprising side effects… Laxatives, antacids, statins or certain antibiotics can, for example, cause farts. If you think a medication may be causing this problem, alert your doctor !

THE probioticson the other hand, can improve the balance of your microbiota, protect your intestinal flora and reduce flatulence.

Is it normal to have a lot of gas?

You will no doubt have understood, it is It’s totally normal to fart! We don’t necessarily realize it, but, on average, a healthy person farts 13 to 21 times a day, which represents 0.5 to 1 liter of air (source 1). Of course, the amount of farts can be influenced by various factors, such as diet, composition of intestinal flora, eating habits, possible gastrointestinal disorders, and other individual factors. In other words, some people may produce more gas than others due to their metabolism, diet or intestinal microbiota (or intestinal flora), summarizes the general practitioner. And at the risk of repeating ourselves, if you notice a sudden increase in your farts, or if you experience associated deleterious symptoms, consult to obtain a proper diagnosis!

Smelly farts: why do I have gas that smells very bad?

Our farts often betray us by their smell… As Dr Begue explains to us, “the smell of intestinal gas depends largely on the composition of the foods we consume “. Certain foods, such as garlic, onions, cheese, broccoli or eggs can give a more pronounced odor to gas. Because ? They contain sulfur compounds like hydrogen sulfide et methyl mercaptan. Result: a smell of rotten eggs can hang in the air for a few seconds or even minutes.

That said, foul odors can sometimes be associated with digestive problems underlying conditions, such as bacterial infections.

Why are some farts louder than others?

Another problematic aspect: farts sometimes make noise when the gas is expelled from the rectum. Concretely, when a fart is released, the gas passes through the anus and it is vibration of muscles and tissues which generates the sound we hear. The specific noise produced by each fart depends on several factors, such as:

the force of the expulsion of the gas, the dilation of the anus, the quantity of gas present or even the muscular tension in the anal region.

Unfortunately, it is therefore impossible to predict the sound of a fart. If muscle tension is very low, the fart will be silent. But if it turns out to be significant, the fart can be thunderous… Moreover, the more tense the muscles of the anus are, the faster the anus vibrates and the sharper the sound of the fart will be.

Can you stop having intestinal gas? And how ?

Dr Begue is categorical: it is impossible to completely stop the production of farts ! However, certain lifestyle habits can help reduce their frequency and discomfort. For example, you can:

eat more slowly, avoid talking while eating, take the time to chew, limit carbonated drinks and reduce the consumption of foods known to cause gas (cruciferous vegetables, legumes, dairy products, etc.).

Probiotics found in fermented foods can also help balance your intestinal flora, thereby reducing gas production. On the recommendation of your doctor, you can also consume it in the form of food supplements. Moreover, maintain a good nutritional balance, stay hydrated et practice regular physical activity to support your digestive health.

#Flatulence #fart #smell #bad

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