Florencia Peña and the sexual abuse she suffered at age 17: “He was a very important actor”

Florencia Peña said that she suffered sexual abuse from an actor (Alone, with Sebastián Soldano)

for these hours, Florence Pena was back in the center of the scene for the premiere of The Pu*@ Mistressyour new program on the screen America. But in addition, the actress also referred again to a sexual abuse that she suffered years ago by a well-known actor.

In this sense, in a interview he did for teleshow with the journalist Sebastian Soldano in your cycle Alone, had given details about that traumatic episode. “I was 17 years old. He was a theater partner, great, I was much more of a girl. It was a situation that I naturalized for years and that now, a little with everything that is happening, I began to put white on black and you say ‘ah, but what was happening to me was very bad,’ “he began by recounting.

And added more details: “He touched me, he touched my tits, down. She told me ‘oh, how cute’ and she touched me. That way we were about to enter the scene or we were leaving the stage. And when I started looking back, I was like, ‘My God, what was that? That abuse was repeated every day while I went to the theater. It wasn’t a one time abuse”.

Florencia Peña, during the interview with Sebastián Soldano for Teleshow

Meanwhile, he told how he lived it back then. “I had a way of being, which was like that held him back. At no time did I go to the producer and tell him ´this is happening to me´. I still think that if he had gone, I don’t know if he would have agreed with me. Because he was a very, very important actor. But hey, that’s a bit of the abuse of power that many women suffer, that they denounce out there and don’t believe them, “he said.

“What happens organically when you detect that from a distance? When was it?” asked the journalist. “It will only be ten years ago. I won’t give the name because he is a very famous actor and I feel that he is already grown up. He is done, I feel that the subject is going to be diverted and that the important thing is to be able to transmit my experience so that it does not happen to other women. This man can no longer hurt anyone. If he felt that he could hurt someone, he would tell, ”explained the former star of Married with children.

In this context, also in the same interview, Peña recounted another similar episode. “I have a great-uncle who I am still trying to remember if I was abused by him as well. I can’t remember, I have very vague memories. From when we went to take a nap, I don’t remember if he touched me or not. I still couldn’t figure it out in my head and I don’t think I discussed it with my parents.”

In other recent note with this siteFlorencia had also referred to the premiere of her new program, in which she is accompanied Diego Ramos, Dan Breitman, Noralih Gago, miss bimbo y Walter Chino D´Angelo. “After working for forty years I need to do things that keep me wanting to stay in this profession, which is my art, my language, what I learned to do and what connects me with the world”, he had expressed. And he had clarified: “We have a motto: ‘As we can’t laugh at anything, we’re going to laugh at everything’, because the feeling now is that we cannot laugh at anything, that someone is going to feel offended or affected, well, then let’s offend everyone.”

If you are a victim of family or sexual violence, or know someone who is, call line 137. It is free, national and provides support, assistance and accompaniment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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