Food items that increase the risk of stroke, including leafy vegetables

Elderly people with varicose veins are more likely to develop blood clots. and people with cardiovascular disease, who lead a sedentary lifestyle. There are also foodstuffs that increase the risk of infection.

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Blood clotting

And the immunologist, the Russian doctor Andrei Prodeus, emphasized that these people should refrain from eating food. Which contains a large amount of vitamin K, which raises the level of blood clotting, which leads to blood clotting.

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He added: “There are 3 main food items rich in vitamin K, which are parsley, spinach and basil. Moreover, parsley is an absolute champion in this field, as 100 grams of parsley contains 20 daily doses of vitamin K… The same amount of both basil and spinach contains 7 daily doses and 6 doses.” According to her magazine.

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Foods that increase the risk of stroke

The doctor recommended that all patients with atherosclerosis and varicose veins who are taking anticoagulants should eliminate parsley, basil and spinach from their diet.

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Follow up: Rowan Diop

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