foods to banish from our plates to prevent disease!


  • One out of two French people has in his entourage a person affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
  • This pathology is the second most dreaded disease after cancer.

It affects more than a million French people each year. Alzheimer’s disease manifests itself in many ways. From memory loss to difficulty performing tasks or solving problems, this pathology neurodegenerative can be very disabling on a daily basis.

If the causes are not yet known, several factors explain the appearance of this condition: physical inactivity, cardiovascular diseases, tobacco, etc. In addition, the diet is also to be monitored to prevent the disease. Certain foods can increase the progression of the disease.

Foods to avoid

Adored by children, sweets and pastries should be limited, as should dairy products. Red meat also increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The iron in this food promotes oxidative stress, in other words an imbalance between the excessive amount of free radicals and antioxidants. To counter the development of the pathology, it is also better to reduce your consumption of fried or fast foods. For cooking chicken and fish, the use of olive oil is preferred. Finally, the intake of food supplements should be viewed with suspicion.

Adopt a healthy and balanced diet

To prevent this type of dementia, specialists advise following a Mediterranean diet. Rich in green vegetables, fruits or cereals, this diet is ideal for reducing the risk of suffering from the disease. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of this diet on cognitive decline. Water consumption is also important. Another way to counter the development of the disease, a diet rich in vitamins (C and E) and antioxidants. This diet significantly improves cardiovascular health and increases life expectancy in seniors.


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