For a colon patient, this is what will happen to you when you eat lemon

Follow up – Samah Ismail

Colon is one of the most common and prevalent diseases among many people. Some people develop colon as a result of some life pressures or eating unhealthy foods and not following a healthy diet.

So, Bright Side revealed the benefits of lemon to cleanse the colon:

Lemon is one of the most important citrus fruits that are beneficial to health because it contains vitamin C. This vitamin helps produce antioxidants inside the body. Eating lemon juice helps to get rid of toxins in the body. It also helps activate and stimulate the liver to rid the body of deposited toxins.

Here’s the correct way to use lemon:

Cut the lemon into slices

After heating the water, put the lemon slices in the warm water

It is preferable to drink the juice warm, not boiled (it can be sweetened with a little honey).

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