Former Minister’s Lawyer Reveals Denunciation of Irregularities in Provías: The John Silva Case

2023-06-08 02:19:57

After one year of his going underground, Jorge Castrolawyer for the fugitive ex-minister John Silvasaid that his client denounced the irregularities in Provías before the Prosecutor’s Office.

Jorge Castrolawyer for the fugitive ex-minister John Silva, said this Wednesday that he does not know where his client is one year after he went into hiding. However, he asserted that the Puente Tarata project was never carried out because his client denounced the irregularities in Provías.

The former minister’s legal defense specified that he assumed the defense at the request of the family, nor has he met him in person. However, he reiterated that there was no bribe for his client.

“The Lord John Silva denounced that there were a series of illegal acts inside and brought this to the attention of the then prosecutor Zoraida Avalos and to the controller. He is not a victim, but a preventive detention of 36 months cannot be assumed for the one who has been the complainant of the illegal acts of the public tender of Provías Nacional. He didn’t change any official,” he said on RPP’s ‘Everything Is Known’ program.

Castro also said he did not know if John Silva It is located in Venezuela, sheltered by the Nicolás Maduro regime. However, he stated that his job will be to vary the court order so that his client can defend himself in freedom.

“I am collecting all the evidence to prove that Mr. John Silva has not received money. That he tarata bridge does not exist, that the money is complete, that it has already been pronounced comptrollership with an expertise where there is no grievance for corruption that implies grievance to the State. For this reason, he could request a variation to the mandate so that he can come and speak in appearance, “he said.

On the other hand, he questioned Congress for not allowing him to defend his client because they argued that Juan Silva did not formally accredit him as his lawyer.

Cassation appeal

The Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court declared on June 3 as “inadmissible” the appeal filed by the former Minister of Transport and Communications Juan Francisco Silva, to annul the resolution that confirmed the preventive detention mandate for 36 months that was issued against him as a result of the ‘Provías Decentralized-Puente Tarata’ case.

The supreme court adopted this measure by specifying that on said resolution “no appeal should be filed”, since it was issued by the highest ordinary jurisdictional instance of the Judiciary, therefore this appeal must be dismissed.

Under this criterion, the Supreme Chamber also rejected the request made by Juan Silva within his appeal to annul the national and international location and capture orders that were issued against him in this case.

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